Agreed. For the many of God's truly chosen ones, the end is merely the beginning.
There is merely a handful or so of those who are not chosen…. those who will face the second death.
Do yourself a favor and scrap the Dead Sea Scrolls and go with Nag Hammadi instead. There's one overall theme of these lost scriptures that relates to parables spoken by Jesus… that theme is that our under lords and ruling authority are corrupt, satanic liars that will ultimately find themselves locked up for an eternal damnation and that time is rapidly approaching.
>Bible written almost 2000 years ago
Not the OT.
The book of Enoch speaks particularly to our generation and that's why they removed it. They're fuckery is insulting to my intelligence. There's many f'ed up versions of the book of Enoch floating around online as well. Fools. They can't hide truth from the ones who truly seek it out.
Separating the weed from the wheat is what we do here on the 8chan q research board. It's very rewarding work but the vast majority won't see those rewards until our rebirth (death).
I would like to lead us leavened bread biblefags in the following prayer.
The One True God, we come before you with humility in our request for knowledge and wisdom. You have led us so far and we thank you for such.
Our brothers and sisters, your children, are calling out for more information and we ask that you continue to answer that prayer.
For we know the end is rapidly approaching and the glorious thought of eternally rejoicing in your spirit is what keeps us going.
For many evil men and women are soon to be facing the second death and upon their heads, we ask for mercy. We ask that they are guided to the light before it's too late.
For your mercy and understanding is incredible. We know you love and that the love you have for us is unconditional. These individuals that choose to remain in the dark are well familiar with your policy regarding light. In fact, they have kept their higher understanding of your workings to themselves and attempted to use their discoveries against us. They have their own free will and have chosen to neglect you and we ask that at this point in time, you help them with their change of hearts.
It's not impossible or unfeasible to consider that every single member of the darkness can and will enter the light but it is up to their free will. We are allowing your light to shine and do hope they intend on stepping out into the rays.
Above and beyond everything else, dear God, we thank you. We thank you for this opportunity to lead and learn. We thank you for this opportunity at life, for without you, there would be no existence.
We ask for your forgiveness and undying mercy, which we know you will show those struggling brothers and sisters.
What we know not, we know that you can provide the answers. The Holy Spirit is rising as we speak and we're eager to receive it. Let the rivers run red with the blood of your son, the sacrificial lamb, JC, and let the bread rain from the heavens, down upon the people as they feast upon the information coming forth.
The second death will be dealt to those who oppose you. They're hoping that the second death means their conscious ceases to remain but we both know that's not quite how this works… no matter what revisions the Pope attempts to make.
Dear God, praise be to your name. Time is tick tocking and with each passing moment, we draw closer to you and the spirit of the Holy Ghost.
In your name and the name of your son, Jesus Christ, we say amen.
PS - old school shout out to my love, Blessed Mary… for the tears that run down my cheeks are in her name.
Cool story homo faggot… have you flossed with pubic hair yet today? Go find your bottle of lube and grab your secret society butt buddy, because your days of butt fucking faggots is rapidly coming to an end.
The Khazar jews are not real jews. They are of the synagogue of Satan… those that call themselves jews but are not. You spoke in some pretty big generalities. Since you're not a bible scholar, focus on the Gospels and Revelation. You can read through them all in a weekend. Jesus had some very choice words for the jews (Pharisees and Sadducees).
If this is all a psyop and Q is a larp, why the fuck are you on this super hard to find Q research board, shitting up the tail end of a nice leavened loaf of bread? Go fucking kys faggot.