Okay. It's used to calculate Easter's date.
This year is 4/1/2018
So three days prior is
"Ten days of darkness" (Scare event necessary)
I'm sort of spitballing here.
Okay. It's used to calculate Easter's date.
This year is 4/1/2018
So three days prior is
"Ten days of darkness" (Scare event necessary)
I'm sort of spitballing here.
Oh - Oops. Screwed up.
4/1/2018 is Easter.
Three days prior is
Ten days is
Not a MathAnon but it's definitely important. I'm wondering if it ties in to the ten days of darkness.
Separate device, same Anon.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_number_(time)
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computus
You know, I had a hunch I was being tested, and started tracing spam coming into my folder.
All of it was stuff I truly wanted to do. I meditated for guidance and decided to find out why they were different and so on the nose. I ended up going to the SEC filings site and just tracing connections. Bio/genetics, blockchain AI, space flight- and one of them were traceable to lawyers in NYC with the address of 666 on them. The 666 shows up in the compensation/shares, etc. occasionally. Probably if I'm on the right track,.
Some of the transactions or compensations as well.
If you're interested in following the money the EDGAR search is great. It's dry reading but getting as much as possible saved offline could only help.