Just a thought…. what is Mystery Babylon?
I think it's the Catholic Church.
Bible talks about a country with two coasts in relation. What country in the world has two coasts?
Where is the Catholic Church? Rome? In Italy, no?
Ten Commandments are completely screwed up by the Catholic Church. Thou Shalt Have NO other idols before me isn't even in their Ten Commandments.
The epiphany that I received about fully understanding all this stuff was after I understood that Saturday = Sabbath. No exceptions. Bible says Keep Sabbath Day Holy. Doesn't say 24 hours. Just day. Waking to sleeping is 10% of the week, around 16 hours I think it was. Don't have to be legalistic about it. Things do need to get done on the Sabbath just like every other day, but take some time to pause, relax, reflect, and rest. If I have a choice to mow the lawn on Sat or Sun I always do it Sunday. Or vacuum the house. Sometimes we go shopping on Saturday, which I don't really care for. I definitely don't like doing paid employment on Saturday.
Look at all other languages in the world. Saturday is some version of Sabbat Sabbath Sabbatmos or something like that.
Also… Jesus should be Yeshua. Every language in the world, Jesus has been substituted by the local high deity. But who is satan in every language in the world? his name doesn't change. Makes you wonder huh?
the prince of the power of the air. what comes through the air? tel lie vision. If you've spent any time in the main breads you'll understand that tel lie vision is full of lies. Much the same on many radio channels. What's the prince of the power of the air again? Same thing with tornadoes and hurricanes and other forms of destruction.
Expanding your thinking can do a lot to understand this broken world. I'm a logical thinker, engineering technician, mechanic, handyman, and more. There isn't anything around a residential home that I'm not afraid to repair. I don't like messing with gas lines but I have done them.
Along with being raised by a strong christian mother who took me to an independent baptist church. Which I will say was the best upbringing I could have had. Not many churches a whole lot better than a good independent baptist, however I would not agree with many of their teachings today.
The Rapture is NOT a thing. That's a bunch of lies less than 150 years old. See 3rd graphic. The Jewish People, those assholes that worship with little black boxes on their heads and follow the tally muddy belong right there in the dustbin of history, with the synagogue of satan. There's a few true Israelites that call themselves Jewish but they're not very common.
That gives me an idea, maybe I should graphic where the 12 tribes have gone. 2nd graphic related.
4th graphic- star of david is actually a mirror of their black cube which goes way back in history in satan worship.