If you read a the Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament from 1582 - translated directly from the Latin Vulgate, 'subtraction' is instead written as 'diminish'.
Note the annotation from that version on Verse 18.
It's specifically-against Heretics adding or subtracting from the work to conform it to their beliefs, not God's.
This condemns every non-Roman Catholic Church, including their Biblical Translations of it.
This includes the King James Bible, which came out of the formation of the Church of England, due to Henry VIII's desire to commit adultery, expressly-forbidden by Jesus in the New Testament, (except in once specific case).
When the King James was written, it only involved Scholars from this False Church, and favoured Protestant beliefs.
The enlightenment contained within was not handed down by Jesus as promised to the Disciplines via the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentacost. It lacks the Authority of God and Jesus.
The original Douay-Rheims translations contains books that aren't found in the KJV, copious notes and annotations, and goes into great detail of why the heresies of Luther, Calvin et al ARE heretical thought, which is why possession of it during the 1600's in England resulted in a death sentence.
The Douay-Rheims sold today is the Challoner revision from 1750's, and a much lesser work, since it's softened or removed the criticisms of Protestantism entirely, and loses the enlightening annotations. It's often-considered different enough it should be labelled a new work in itself.
It's almost like there's a cloud of deliberate-obsfucation round the original text, which is why it's interesting it's considered the official Roman-Catholic Bible, and most people don't know of the earlier version.
If you trust the King James, then look at the state of England, its GBLT and Female clergy, and its crisis of declining attendances. If you believe in Protestantism, pay attention to the curses that have befallen Germany, its current state, and how so many of the Satanic Orders currently at work originated there.
And yes, I know the Roman Catholic Church falls. We've been warned both in scriptures and in visions to prepare for its destruction, and that 'we'd know' by 1960.