Anonymous ID: 3150be Jan. 24, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.4897324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So… D's can't produce RBG for SOTU -postpone

D's can't counter-offer anything meaningful to POTUS on wall

Evidence (via observation) around the web of highly coordinated talking points (can't call them arguments, let's be real):

> but but Mexico wuz gonna pay

> old whyt guys

> he could/should have accepted deal offered before

> he's caving / base is deserting him /pwnd

> he can't use Emergency/will be tied up in court forevah


Seems to be getting more shrill, moar panicked. What do they really have? Nothing but shit stirring, trying to convince the public he's a heartless rich orange/whyt evil guy. Even Britons are seeing through this.


Is it the real threat of using Emergency powers or something more?

< xthousand sealed indictments

< new AG / bad ass acting AG


Also, does anyone think that Nancy's passport was taken/put on a no-exit-US list?

Anonymous ID: 3150be Jan. 24, 2019, 11:19 p.m. No.4897416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7618


Unlike all other jews, the Rothschilds claim their jewish descent is patrilineal and that they are descended from Nimrod (aka Ea/Enki, Poseidon, Loki, HaShem, Yaotl, Yaweh)

That's what Dr. Farrell has dug up anyway. Fascinating stuff, but taboo to too many unwilling to look objectively.

Anonymous ID: 3150be Jan. 25, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.4897630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've missed that. I have read and recommend highly the books of Dr. Joseph P Farrell. They vary in topic and the order seems unconnected and wonky but there is a logic to it. Or you can listen to White Rabbit Radio podcast to learn more. I actually listened to all Dr. Farrell's interviews with another person (totally all over the place not on topic at all) several times to work it all out and had to write it all out in charts. Then it made sense.

Anonymous ID: 3150be Jan. 25, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.4897638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7661


>We kidnapped Queen Elizabeth earlier this month - we got the Vatican's gold 6/6/18, we got a confession by Clinton of murdering a girl in her sleep at the McCain sciff


Watchu talking bout Willis?!?

Anonymous ID: 3150be Jan. 25, 2019, 12:22 a.m. No.4897728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7746


fitting trips then, eh?

Actually, the very best propaganda is the TRUTH.

>If you have to lie in your propaganda, you are either on the wrong side or doing it wrong.

  • really smart guy we're all supposed to hate (paraphrase)



Anyone who tells you that their heart is pure is full of shit - either self -deception or lying/manipulating. Doesn't matter which really.



Couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch of people!