Anonymous ID: 23dbb7 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.4899760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9839

For the most part, I agree 100% with you. I do… I'm just frustrated at how the left thinks they're winning so bigly. They really believe Trump is all the things they claim and we are getting absolutely nothing back to stifle them. They grow and become bolder and bolder. Is this the critical mass we are waiting for? Are we building their confidence to the point where none of us will be safe to walk the street? Is that what triggers the event, when all of us are getting the snot kicked out of us by faggots in pink pussy hats on national television? Is this supposed to be strengthening or world movement and giving resolve to our allies? I'm not sure I even know what the fuck is going on anymore… and I too have been digging my ass off since half chan. Is it wrong to be craving just one big win we can throw back at these fuckers?