shills not liking the stone arrest.
>>4899431 (lb)
name a native beast of burden that could pull a wheeled cart, then tell us all about the aerodynamics of a boomerang that the white man didn't understand until the wright brothers.
and then tell us how hot it is in Australia right now.
Not a slide, just a pet peve.
Why do people equate discovery of the wheel with intelligence? The Incas had a wheel, but never used it for transport. Australian Aboriginals lived a nomadic existence, and survived for 40,000 years in the harsh outback - a place modern people struggle with. They had no need for a wheel as there was no agriculture, and there was no native animal that was capable of being tamed for domestic usage. They did develop, however coincidentally, the aerodynamics of the boomerang, a feat that was not replicated by the western world for possibly tens of thousands of years - an analogy could be the crossbow and the Chinese give or take 10,000 years.
Give credit where credit is due.
Old ways are not the same as new ways, but that doesn't mean old ways are bad.
That makes no sense.
You are a bot unless you solve this capture : how many fingers? (pic related)
trip dubs you win
suicide is ALWAYS an option
Here boy!