We The People: Where is Nancy and Congress now and why aren’t they meeting with White House?
MSM: Boom! Roger Stone Arrest!!!!! Impeach!!!!
We The People:
We The People: Where is Nancy and Congress now and why aren’t they meeting with White House?
MSM: Boom! Roger Stone Arrest!!!!! Impeach!!!!
We The People:
Where is Nancy and Congress? Why are they not negotiating with the White House???? Do they not represent the People? What do the People want? Border Security or rampant crime from Border insecurity? Do we really give a dam about Roger Stone? Where is Nancy and Congress??? The White House is waiting!!!!
Nancy Pelosi ?? Anybody seen Nancy Pelosi?? Congress where are you??
We The People aren’t concerned with Roger Stone. We want Nancy to do her job and meet with White House now! National Security not Congressional Security!!!!!!
25% of Government shutdown. Congress: Party at Pelosi’s!!!
MSM: Roger Stone gonna Censure POTUS!!!!
We The People: