Well, Huma and Podesta were arrested long ago, right?
So, there's that.
Actually, talking about how awful the Jews are, see: Rothschild and Soros, as well as random Jews in pretty much every story, is about the best thing about this here.
We can tell the truth about the Jews and not get censored.
You think that Q clock and related numerology is the good stuff?
I too would like to see the Democrats get arrested, and all the other shit that Q said was going to happen.
Getting ass blasted over and over again forever was NOT the plan as explained to us.
But remember, outsider GOP only gets ass blasted over and over again forever. There isn't any other thing that outsider GOP gets.
A handful of Jew Faggots control the GOP. Trump can't hire anyone with any experience in government, because they're all now Bush appointees by now.
Trump needs to sit down with Ron and Rand Paul and ask them for a list of the least sketchy most reliable least likely to quit immediately people who can staff his administration.
They at least tried to build some type of farm team. Trumps resume is just a little bit too close to reality TV producer. He just doesn't know the random mid level people that aren't a bunch of Jew Faggots who will immediately fuck him over. "The Mooch" is currently on Celebrity Big Brother. It's like an embarassingly bad version of regulatory capture, where people move between the government and the industries the government regulates.
Our choices were overwhelmed amateur Trump and full demon Hillary. Not scratching my head about who to vote for in 2020, but getting buttfucked over and over is not what I want.