Anonymous ID: f5a2ac Jan. 25, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.4901027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1039 >>1083 >>1113 >>1511 >>1536 >>1554 >>1667

The world is upside down:

-We question gender identity;

-NY can murder fully developed babies;

-Cancer is now good for you (Drudge just posted that men with prostate cancer live longer);

-More than half of Congress has literally lost its mind, behaving like they have had lobotomies;

-Wearing a red hat is now a sign of something, but wearing red shoes is not;

-Homosexuality is the new “normal”;

-Furries, whores, frauds, traitors and liars are perfectly acceptable as people who might run for president;

-Dead people are put on ice for weeks/months to be used as political pawns;

-Leaders that have advocated for border security and walls for decades, all of a sudden don’t;

-Christianity and the very tenets of the Bible are under attack in every way, from pro-life stances to our schools, to the vilification of anyone involved;

-It is okay for old, crusty, lying criminals to harass, slander and libel minors;

-Congressmen threaten to nuke Americans over constitutional rights;

-Congressmen threaten to pass resolutions regarding what people wear;

-The MSM has ZERO integrity and cannot be relied on for the truth;

-Taking the oath of office means nothing (and so far is not punishable) except for President Trump;

-Doing right is wrong and doing wrong is the best it can be;

-Toxic masculinity is actually a popular thing;

-People actually wear hats that look like pussies and who outfits that look like vaginas in public and are proud of this;

-Dressing up for Halloween can cause outrage to the point that you might lose your job or have social services visit your home for child abuse;

-The internet and social media censors people who stand for the foundations this country was built upon;

-We no longer stand for innocent before being proven guilty;

-Racism is made up;

-People who believe in evolution believe that Mother Nature is incapable of evolving and that man will cause the world the end due to whatever climate is changing at the time in 12 years;

-The abuse, molestation, trafficking, and murder of our children is less important than building a wall to help stop it;

There is so much more!


What if: (since this makes my head want to explode and I need some hope)

Our President really does have it all and this is all part of the plan. He tells Cuomo to go ahead with this abortion horror to really reveal how low we have gone, if Cuomo doesn’t play, he gets taken down big time in the swamp drain. Trump knows EVERYONE in NY.

He tells Feinstein to lather up her base about Roe vs. Wade in anticipation of the RBG announcement. If Feinstein doesn’t play, the death penalty for treason stays on the table for her and every single person that was involved including family.

Absolutely EVERYTHING McConnell, Nancy and Chuck type, say and do is orchestrated by very carefully laid plans by Trump and Q team. Same reasons as Feinstein.

He involves Covington and ding bat Indian man to instigate an all-out assault on religion and Catholicism, including the Christian schools (he knows many elites on the left send their own children to private religiously based schools). One of his top staff went to Covington, there are connections there. This shakes out the trash and sets up lawsuits to hold some accountable and removes them from the scene.

He tells Swalwell to be the village idiot, basically to just keep doing what he is doing.

As this evolves, we will see the House and some in the Senate bite on the bait, violating their oath of office in even more deliberate ways and they WILL be removed.

We all know the wall is being built and that we don’t need anyone in Congress to give permission for this to get done. So this distraction, along with Roger Stone arrest, is great MSM cover (since they are like cats with lasers and STILL haven’t figured out that they are pawns) for the much bigger game being played all over the world.

Yes, we will get our county back, drain the swamp, and get right-side up again, but so will many parts of the rest of the world. I have a hard time with waiting and not knowing. But Q used the word “trust” many, many times. So…..I will.