Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.4902570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2583 >>2590 >>2628 >>2677 >>2896 >>2919 >>3173 >>3213 >>3310

Fmr CIA Director John Brennan on Stone Arrest: The Shoes Yet to Drop ‘Going to Be the Most Profound’


Friday, former CIA Director John Brennan reacted on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to President Donald Trump ally Roger Stone’s early morning arrest, predicting more shoes were going to drop.


Brennan said the names yet to drop “are going to be the most profound.”


“[T]here was an extensive effort to try to influence the outcome of the election that involved the Russians, that involved U.S. persons and that may have gone to the very top of the Trump campaign,” Brennan said. “And so I think the shoes that are yet to drop are going to be the ones that are going to be the most profound and that will hit the people at the top of the organization.”


Brennan added that “people at the top of the organization” could include Trump.


Are they going to arrest Trump to spark a civil war?


If so Trump is CABAL

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.4902597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2928 >>3245 >>3302

Soros calls Xi ‘the worst enemy of free societies,’ China says it’s not even worth a response


Liberal billionaire and renowned political meddler George Soros has labeled Chinese leader Xi Jinping ‘the most dangerous opponent of open societies.’ China says it’s a gross distortion not even worthy of a rebuttal.


Speaking at the Davos economic forum in Switzerland, Soros attacked China’s “social credit” system and technological advances, saying artificial intelligence and machine learning, put “in the hands of repressive regimes,” are a “mortal danger facing open societies.”


“China isn’t the only authoritarian regime in the world, but it’s undoubtedly the wealthiest, strongest and most-developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence,” said Soros, known for using his money to organize and support movements against the governments he deems oppressive.


The “main source of hope” against Xi are the Chinese people, whose aspirations, according to Soros, are sharply distinct from the regime’s.


Beijing brushed off Soros’ attack.


“It’s obvious who is opening doors and building roads and who is closing doors and building walls. Statements by certain people, which portray black as white and distort facts, are completely pointless and not worthy of even a rebuttal,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying.


“We hope the relevant American can correct his attitude, not be shortsighted, and hold an objective, rational and correct opinion of China’s development,” Hua added.


Hedge fund billionaire Soros runs the Open Society Foundations (OSF), a vast grant-giving network with the stated goal of making governments open to participation and accountable to the people.


Soros’ controversial political ventures include attacks against US President Donald Trump, donating to campaigns promoting a second Brexit referendum in the UK, and helping along the Ukrainian revolutions in both 2004 and 2014, among others. This has earned him the adoration of liberals around the globe and got the OSF banned in Hungary and Turkey. It’s also on the list of “undesirable” organizations in Russia.


Trump and his supporters have accused the billionaire of funding protests against the US president – accusations that have been branded conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic.


Soros, the Financial Times “person of the year” for 2018, is also at odds with Facebook and Google. He called the tech giants a “menace” during his Davos speech last year.

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.4902663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2962

Coincidence? Venezuela Green Lights Russia to Mine Gold, Days Later US Attempts Overthrow


Just like in Libya, the current conflict in Venezuela is far bigger than some humanitarian crisis as they are sitting on mountains of gold and oil.


The decades-long US infatuation with Venezuela came to a head on Wednesday as the United States, Canada, Brazil, and others all declared a man who never even ran for the office of presidency, much less got elected to the office, as the president of Venezuela.


On Wednesday, Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez took a public oath of office and swore himself in as the President of Venezuela. He assumed this office with zero democratic process—essentially making himself a dictator—and was immediately declared legitimate by Washington.


This move by Washington to recognize Guaidó as the official president is a page out of the book they’ve used over the last two decades to invade and destroy countries like Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The exact same rhetoric from the bipartisan warmongers in DC is being put out once more as shills like Marco Rubio threaten all out war. All of the sudden, Trump’s haters are coming together in solidarity, seething with their warmongering mucus over the potential for a Venezuelan conflict.


Cont. from images:


Now, we find ourselves on the precipice of an all out invasion of their country. Go figure.


As US sanctions continue to backfire due to an ever-increasing coalition of countries dedicated to fighting them, the American military industrial complex will have no other options for self-preservation other than war. Regardless of how you feel personally about what is going on with the Venezuelan people and their government, buying into another set of lies used for Western interventionism—in yet another country who “needs some freedom”—will undoubtedly be catastrophic, and 100 percent of recent similar situations proves this.

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.4902713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3243 >>3331

Israel is expanding its horizons with a mission to the Moon


Israel is preparing to journey to the Moon, and hopes to have joined the exclusive club of countries that have made contact with the lunar surface come April.


The Beresheet spacecraft is set to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket next month. All going according to plan, the spacecraft is expected to land on the Moon two months later.


If Israel’s lunar ambitions become a reality they will join the US, Russia and China in making a ‘soft landing’ on the moon. The plan is to study the unusual magnetic energy at the Sea of Serenity in the satellite’s northern hemisphere.


Beresheet, developed by Israeli space organization SpaceIL with Israel Aerospace Industries, landed in Florida last week and is currently stored in a custom-built, air conditioned shipping container.


After its launch, the spacecraft will orbit the Earth three times before entering the moon’s orbit, circling the pockmarked satellite twice before making a landing.


Wake up the kikes are taking over!

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4902760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doomsday hysteria in Davos – UN chief says ‘we are losing the race’ on climate change


UN chief Antonio Guterres warned that the world is “losing the race” on climate change as he demanded that governments make bolder commitments beyond the Paris accord.

“Climate change is the defining issue of our time”, he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“It is absolutely central to reverse this trend. We need political will and we need governments who understand that this is the most important priority of our times,” he stressed.

The Paris climate accord has been shaken by the withdrawal of the United States under President Donald Trump, and by threats to do the same by Brazil’s new leader Jair Bolsonaro.

The UN secretary-general said the commitments made in Paris were already “not enough”.

“If what we agreed in Paris would be materialized, the temperature would rise more than 3.0 degrees (Celsius)”, he said on a Facebook Live broadcast from Davos.

“We need countries to make stronger commitments”, he said, calling for more measures to mitigate against climate change and adapt to it, along with financial aid for poorer countries.

Another climate change advocate, former secretary of state John Kerry, who signed the Paris accord for the United States in 2016, agrees with him.

However, he believes doomsday will come even sooner. “We’re heading towards 4.0 degrees Centigrade increase in this century, and the passive indifference that most countries are accepting is basically a mutual suicide pact”, he stated.

The fact that overpopulation is a huge threat to our environment was not discussed.

As usual the carbon tax idea was in focus.

Ted Halstead, president of the Climate Leadership Council, has been in Davos this week selling the idea of US households getting back the revenue raised, in the form of lump-sum rebates.

“A carbon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary”, signatories to the initiative said in a statement recently.

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.4902787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928 >>3245 >>3302

Hungarian Government will boycot EP’s debate on Hungary


Hungarian government will not participate in next week’s European Parliamantary debate concerning observance of the rule of law in Hungary.


“There is no basis for discussion”, said Gergely Gulyas, Head of Viktor Orbáns Office.


The debate is set for Jan. 30 in Brussels on recent developments concerning the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. The rule of law issue is just a “pretext for sanctioning Hungary because it was the first country to state clearly its refusal to take in migrants”, Gulyas said.


The mandate of the current European Parliament will expire in May, Gulyas noted, adding that the government is seeking an “anti-migration majority” to replace “the current, pro-migration majority” in the upcoming EP elections.


Gulyas said EP had exceeded its powers and was seeking “new ways to support migration”. European institutions should remain “within the scope of the treaties”, he said. Plans to tie EU funding to the observance of the rule of law, he added, was “blackmail”.


He said US financier George Soros had met European Commission leaders 21 times in the current cycle, and insisted that “it is an illegitimate attempt” to influence it. The commission’s policies reflect Soros’s intent, he added.


Commenting on remarks by US political advisor George Birnbaum concerning the government’s Soros campaign, Gulyas said that neither the government nor ruling Fidesz had contracted Birnbaum and he had not provided any advisory services.


Answering another question concerning reports that Prime Minister Viktor Orban would visit Belarus in February, Gulyas dismissed them, saying.

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.4902850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alex Salmond facing 14 charges including attempted rape, adamantly denies allegations


Former First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond has said he “absolutely refutes” any accusations of criminality after he was charged on Thursday with two counts of attempted rape and nine counts of sexual assault.


Salmond was arrested and charged in Scotland yesterday after voluntarily going to the police station to be questioned on the allegations, but was not held in custody overnight. The former SNP leader, who hosts a show on RT, was also charged with two counts of indecent assault and one count of breach of the peace.


In a statement after appearing in court on Thursday, Salmond denied the allegations and said he was “innocent of any criminality.” He said that given that proceedings were underway in the current case, he was unable to comment further other than to say he refuted the accusations and would defend himself “to the utmost” in court.


“I’ve got great faith in the court system of Scotland. I’ve got recent cause to have great faith in the court system of Scotland,” he said.


Salmond was referring to a separate legal case which he won against the Scottish government over the handling of an investigation into the complaints against him. In that case, the court found that the inquiry had been "tainted with apparent bias."

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.4902874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928 >>3245 >>3302

Scottish Primary Schools to Teach Young Children About Sexual Consent


Scottish primary school pupils will learn about sexual consent, after a government study stressed the issue should be taught “from early learning through all stages of school education”.


Personal and Social Education (PSE) teachers will be provided with training and resources focused on topics such as sexual harassment and ‘gender-based violence’ following a Scottish National Party (SNP) review.


The study, which said it found PSE teaching “inconsistent and inadequate”, makes a series of recommendations for ‘modernising’ the subject, including that pupils should be given the opportunity to design their own lessons on topics they find “relevant”.


Schools are also told to “ensure a greater focus on learning about all aspects of equalities” during PSHE lessons in the document, which adds that this should focus on “more than just LGBT issues – promotion of positive relationships, behaviour, understanding and inclusivity”.


Speaking in Dunfermline Tuesday, when the review was published, Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “Personal and Social Education is critical to giving young people the knowledge, skills and resilience to navigate the various stages of their lives and reach their full potential.


“Pupils have told us that PSE needs to be more relevant, empathetic and informative and must reflect the issues facing young people today. Updated consent education will be stage and age appropriate, will involve young people in the design and delivery of classes and will deliver more consistent teaching at all levels.


“The recommendations will also ensure a high standard of learning and support in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and will give pupils greater access to mental health support,” added the Scottish minister.


The report comes after Scotland announced its education system would become the world’s first to require primary and secondary schools to promote LGBT identities, relationships, and lifestyles across the curriculum.


Every state school in the country will be obliged to “embed” teaching on LGBT political history, movements, and identities within “all levels of the curriculum from early years to senior phase” in order to promote “equality and inclusion” of sexual minorities, after the Scottish Government adopted in full a set of recommendations drawn up by LGBT activists.

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4902937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3043 >>3061 >>3292

Trump’s biggest donors’ ‘mission in life is to protect… the state of Israel’


Miriam and Sheldon Adelson are Donald Trump’s largest supporters. Together they gave more than $177 million to Trump’s campaign in 2016 and Republican causes in 2016-2018. Dr. Adelson then was given the presidential medal of freedom last year, in recognition in part of her work on drug addiction.


The 73-year-old spelled out her worldview at the Israeli American Council conference last month, and stated that she and her husband alongside her share those views: Jews are unsafe in the west, Israel makes Jews everywhere safe and proud, so all the criticism of Israel is just masked anti-Semitism. Therefore, protecting Israel is their “mission in life,” Dr. Adelson said; and American Democrats must join them in supporting Israel.


Here are excerpts of Dr. Adelson’s remarks followed by comments from Sheldon Adelson, who made his fortune off casinos.


When I met Sheldon he was telling me about the anti-semitism that he suffered in Boston. I want to tell you that I’ve never in my life suffered one personal case of anti-semitism. I grew up a proud Jew in Israel. Proud Israeli in Israel. And when I went to the States later on in my life, I’ve never been exposed to anti-semitism.


I see all what’s going on here, the anti-Israel, the anti-semitism. They mask like anti-Israel, but it’s anti-semitism. So that made me feel that my mission in life is to protect my family, my people, Jewish people and the state of Israel….


We have to spread [the IAC] across America because this organization is going to strengthen the state of Israel… We are here together. As I said when I presented Vice President Pence. No matter whether we are left or right, we have to be strong together. We are like one hand. But we should work separately. We should [unintelligible] together and be strong to protect our homeland.


Moderator Shawn Evenhaim, an LA real estate mogul, said that the Israeli American Council, IAC, is not a rightwing organization, because “Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi wouldn’t be on the stage if this is a rightwing organization, and Haim Saban [Democratic megadonor] wouldn’t be here if it was a rightwing organization.” (Here they are.) Dr. Adelson echoed him:


From the beginning, Sheldon said, that this organization should not be political. Otherwise we will lose half of the Israelis. And we repeat it and repeat it all the time, Please make it even…. We respect each others’ opinions. So we are not a political organization. We are an organization that is pro-Israel, pro the Jewish world. Yes I said it again and again, whatever you are you are welcome, as long as you support the state of Israel. So here and there people are trying to say, it’s right, or it’s left. Or why this left person came, or why this right person. So I want you to be together, as I said, one hand. And we are all together, whatever we say, whatever we think, we are together to protect the state of Israel. We know how important it is. We see the anti-semitism that is happening. And I talked with some holocaust survivor who said, this period reminds them, before the Holocaust, when nobody fought it. So we have to be strong and united. United is the name of it– united and strong. So please stick do it and don’t think that we are any political organization. No matter whether we are right or left. We should work separately but together. We should work together to protect our homeland.



This can no longer be ignored!

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.4903048   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.4903086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Heads To Caravan Country To Push Central American Migration


Pope Francis is the most pro-Islamic, subjugated Pope in modern history. Yet they still threaten to kill him, which is further proof that submission and accommodation to Islam is perceived as weakness and gives way to more demands, more conquest, more attacks in the cause of Islam.


This Pope is a disgrace. He is selling out his people, condemning them to futures of unimaginable misery.


“Pope Heads To Caravan Country To Push Central American Migration,” by Joshua Gill, Daily Caller News Foundation, January 24, 2019 (thanks to Todd):


Pope Francis decried the fear of migrants Thursday during his visit to Panama, seemingly advocating for the migrant caravans that flooded the southern U.S. border.


Francis made the comments during his visit to preside over World Youth Day in Panama amid the fomenting of more migrant caravans in Central America. The pontiff urged church leaders to advocate for hospitality and acceptance of migrants in the countries to which they try to gain entrance, which in past months have been Mexico and the U.S.


“The Church, by virtue of her universality, can provide the fraternal hospitality and acceptance that can enable the communities of origin and of destination to dialogue and to help overcome fears and suspicions,” Francis said, according to The Wall Street Journal.


Francis also told reporters during his flight to Panama that fear over migrants was “making us crazy.”


Francis’ support of migrants, both legal and illegal, has been typical of his papacy. The pontiff spoke in Ciudad Juarez in 2016 as a show of support for the thousands of undocumented Central American migrants hoping to enter the U.S. He decried the gang violence and human trafficking that migrants faced during their journey, which characterized as “forced migration.”


“The human tragedy that is forced migration is a global phenomenon today,” Francis said. “No more death! No more exploitation! There is still time to change, there is still a way out and a chance, time to implore the mercy of God.”…

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.4903136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3245 >>3302

Foreign Ministry warns Russians going abroad of security threats posed by US agencies


American intelligence services not only resort to provocations against our citizens, but also commit flagrant kidnapping, the Russian Foreign Ministry warns


MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned Russian citizens who are going abroad about the threat of harassment by the US law enforcement bodies and intelligence agencies in a statement on Friday.


"In addition to the warnings published by the Russian Foreign Ministry on September 2, 2013; April 10, 2014; May 22, 2015; April 11, 2016; February 16, 2017; and February 1, 2018 to the citizens of the Russian Federation, we again address compatriots going abroad of the threat of being harrased by American law enforcement and intelligence services, both in the US and in third countries at the request of its authorities," the ministry stressed.


The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that US law enforcement authorities are constantly ignoring Russia’s appeals to build cooperation based on the bilateral Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1999 and prefer arresting Russian citizens all over the world. "Forty-six similar cases have been registered in third countries since 2008, including seven in 2018," the ministry specified, reiterating Russian Sergei Medvedev’s detention in Thailand last year and Alexander Zhukov’s arrest in Bulgaria, "who quickly ended up in an American jail."


"American intelligence services not only resort to provocations against our citizens, but also commit flagrant kidnapping, like what happened to Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, who was seized in Liberia in 2010 and then was secretly taken to the US, and with Roman Seleznyov, who was forcibly taken there from the Maldives in 2014," the Foreign Ministry went on.


The ministry pointed out that the Russian citizens extradited to the US, like those arrested on US soil, "often face prejudice from local judicial bodies and courts."


"In order to get their needed confessions, not only are psychological measures, including direct threats, used against them, but harsh detention conditions as well (very cold or, on the contrary, stuffy rooms, the absence of normal beds, medical help and walks)," the Foreign Ministry went on. "When they refuse to plead guilty to fabricated charges they are sentenced to prison terms which are numbered in decades, the way it happened to mentioned Yaroshenko and businessman Viktor Bout."

Anonymous ID: eb1226 Jan. 25, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.4903190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3245 >>3302

Tom Fitton: Senate Intelligence Committee is Anti-Trump Controlled