Anonymous ID: 32066e Jan. 25, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.4904211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A few years ago, goog did a social experiment using Pokemon to gauge their ability to manipulate the oblivious masses of dumbed-down morans. It worked spectacularly. They actually had kids walking off bridges and roadways into traffic.

The Q phenom is similar. They say they’re gauging band-width and facilitating a more directed pursuit of knowledge for the huge crowd of disaffected Americans. For the most part their primary goal of creating a digital army was accomplished. And they learned what we’re made of. This was achieved almost a year ago.

I’ve long believed that 8chan could never be the venue needed to be a clearinghouse of pertinent info; neither a professionally run disseminator of news nor organized system of needed analysis. Many of us have attempted to force those round pegs in the square hole of 8ch, but it won’t happen.

Anons have pulled off incredible feats, in spite of any real leadership – from Q or each other. This operation precludes our ever hoping for such leadership, yet no military operation can succeed without it. Even red-pilled sheep need someone to systematize, organize and rally the troops.

POTUS has also learned a lot in two years. Realpolitik, govt doesn’t operate like a business. The masses can be easily maneuvered. All it takes is an occasional shout-out, a pile of McNon-food, and something – ANYTHING – remotely resembling the letter Q. Q+ will finish their job. Nothing will change for us out here IRL.

Anonymous ID: 32066e Jan. 25, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.4904721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All last year we were being prepared to be the calm during and after the storm - for the normies. Never happened.

Now we wait, and wait and wait, while the pols play their never ending games.

We weren't prepared for that.