>SOTU means both houses are in recess….
NO a Joint Session means they are in SESSION
>reason for Pelosi not wanting the SOTU is it will shine light on RBG
Oi Vay….SCOTUS judges do NOT have to attend the SOTU and never do ALL of the Justices attend anyway
IF we had won, why are ALL of the Traitors still walking free????? Think Logically!
>Still not 1 democrat has gone to prison yet. What a fraud our government is.
and that is the sad truth!
>so you can drug and fuck em like Ed Buck and Adam Shitt West Hollywood Style Sunset and Melrose sandwich style.
I voted for POTUS over 2 years ago…and I am still waiting for Justice…I have sworn the Oath (5 times I swore that Oath)to Defend the Constitution against ALL enemies foreign
and Domestic. You are in danger of being suspected as such an enemy…
>so why you griping like some bitch who's afraid Podesta's gonna get arrested
Do you read????? I am screaming for arrests. Should've started happening 18 months ago, if they were going to happen.
I want to know why POTUS cannot stand his ground like this kid did at least
…today POTUS took bad advice and made the Wrong decision IMO