I'm not going to argue against anything specific that you said, Anon. But I am going to argue with
your broader point. Sort-of. Because, although everything you say has merit, …
… the fact remains, that the only question to be asked about the use of this particular theme
(or about any other theme) for the creation of memes, is this:
"Is it, or can it be made to be, an effective psychological warfare tool, for
use in memetic combat against the Cabal's objectives in respect of the
'Q Research General' board on 8Chan, or elsewhere (e.g., Twitter)?"
IOW, "Can the weapons under scrutiny serve effectively to degrade the enemy's position/strength"?
That's it. No other question or concern is relevant: "Selection & Maintenance of the Aim" & all that.
I suppose, "Could other weapons (meme themes) be more effective than this one?" could also be
asked, but it's basically that same question in variant form.
You don't complain about a rifle because it goes bang (which annoys some people), or because
of the barrel-flash or recoil (for whatever reason). You might, on the other hand, complain about
a rifle because it doesn't actually work effectively, say, because it is jammed, or unloaded.
It is precisely the utility of such memes as these, in drawing attacks from the clown shills, that
may make them useful. But you have to think three or four moves ahead of the clown shills, and
I haven't finished doing that yet. So I may or may not discontinue this entire line of meme-making.
I am still thinking about it.