Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.4908109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8129 >>8145 >>8183 >>8390 >>8510 >>8542 >>8708

UPDATE: Mueller and FBI Arrest Roger Stone Because Major FBI Scandal Out Today – FBI Agent Pientka Linked to Major FISA Abuse Scandal and General Flynn Setup


Every time the corrupt Mueller gang, FBI and DOJ come out with a major news story it is strategically synchronized to cover up another scandal involving their corrupt actions. Today’s arrest of Roger Stone is no exception.


Today the corrupt Mueller gang arrested long time Trump friend Roger Stone. He was arrested early in the morning as the FBI always does. Another American attacked by the mobsters in the Deep State due to his relationship with this President. But there is something more than coincidental about this arrest this morning. Not only was CNN there to film the arrest, proving again that the Mueller mobsters are colluding with members of the deep state and corrupt media, but there is something more.


There always is a something that is breaking related to the corrupt Deep State whenever they attempt to change the news cycle. Today is no exception.


Over the past couple of days the testimony of former FBI General Counsel James Baker was released. Baker resigned and he too was a crook and involved in Deep State efforts to aid Hilary Clinton in her bid to become President and their attempted coup to remove President Trump after he defeated Hillary in the 2016 election.


What Baker said was shocking, especially his testimony surrounding the missing corrupt FBI agent Joseph Pientka.


According to Brian Cates at the Epoch Times the Baker testimony was explosive. Baker stated that –


The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] was not alerted to the fact that much of the information in the surveillance warrant on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page was being provided by paid political propagandists employed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

To continue receiving Trump-Russia collusion propaganda from opposition research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele—who had been hired by Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC—the FBI established a backchannel through former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr at the Department of Justice. After every meeting with Steele, Ohr would sit down for an interview with FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka, who would fill out official FD-302 interview forms to pass on the information within the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.4908351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393

Roger Stone Draws the Judge Who Threw Paul Manafort in Jail


Self-anointed political dirty trickster Roger Stone will have to tread carefully as he prepares to defend against charges of obstructing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe and lying about his communications with WikiLeaks.


The no-nonsense judge assigned Stone’s case has already demonstrated that she’s got little patience for defendants who misbehave. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson issued a gag order on Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and later revoked his bail and threw him in jail.


“This is not middle school,” Jackson told Manafort’s lawyers before ordering him locked up in June for alleged witness tampering. “I can’t take his cellphone.”


She also reprimanded Manafort’s lead attorney Kevin Downing for a sidewalk speech he gave after his client’s arraignment and soon after issued a gag order barring parties from discussing the case with the press.


That kind of self-restraint could present a challenge for Stone, who is accustomed to speaking his mind. Shortly after appearing in a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, court Friday, Stone addressed a crowd of reporters, fans and detractors, proclaiming the charges against him were politically motivated and declaring his innocence. He also promised to appear on television later Friday.


Jackson was nominated in 2011 to serve on the federal court in Washington by President Barack Obama. A Baltimore native, born in 1954, she’d been both a federal prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer.


Presiding over the Manafort case since his October 2017 indictment, Jackson has presented herself as tough, fair and keenly aware of the public interest in the case.


Stone’s first appearance before Jackson has not yet been scheduled.

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 4 p.m. No.4908465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8550

Jerome Corsi, Who Is Suing Mueller, Praises Special Counsel Following Roger Stone Indictment


Jerome Corsi is suing special counsel Robert Mueller, but that did not stop the conspiracy theorist from praising Mueller’s “thorough and complete” investigation on Friday.

Corsi responded to Mueller’s indictment of Roger Stone on seven separate counts, including five for lying to Congress.

Corsi’s praise is a reversal of sorts given that he is suing Mueller for $350 million.


Jerome Corsi on Friday praised the special counsel’s probe as “thorough and complete” following the indictment of his former associate, political operative Roger Stone.


Corsi’s statement is a softening of sorts for the right-wing author. He is suing special counsel Robert Mueller for $350 million for allegedly violating his Fourth Amendment rights through what he claims is unlawful surveillance. Corsi has also accused Mueller’s office of leaking secret grand jury information.


“In sum, it would appear that the special counsel’s investigation has been thorough and complete and the Stone Indictment is accurate with regard to references to Dr. Corsi, consistent with Dr. Corsi’s testimony and interviews,” Corsi’s lawyer, Larry Klayman, said in a statement after Stone was indicted.


Corsi claimed that the indictment “confirms that Dr. Corsi has not been and is not being accused of any illegality.”

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.4908493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8619

Black Caucus Chair: Pelosi Should Give SOTU Since She’s ‘Running the Country’


After President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to open the government for three weeks, Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should just give the State of the Union address “since she’s obviously the one running the country.”


Pelosi cancelled Tuesday’s State of the Union address and said on Friday, after Trump decided to open the government on Democrats’ terms, that she and Trump still have to “discuss a mutually agreeable date.”


“The State of the Union is not planned now,” Pelosi said when asked if there will be a State of the Union address on Tuesday. “What I said to the president is when the government is open we will discuss a mutually agreeable date, and I’ll look forward to doing that and welcoming the president to the House of Representatives for the State of the Union when we agree on that.”


Pelosi indicated that the State of the Union address will occur only after the government is permanently open. Trump, though, warned that he is willing to shut down the government again on February 15 if he does not get a “fair deal from Congress.”


“If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government either shuts down on February 15th again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency,” Trump said on Friday.

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.4908505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8627

Chuck Schumer: ‘Hopefully, Now the President Has Learned His Lesson’


During his response to President Donald Trump’s announcement that he will sign a bill to reopen the federal government temporarily, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said: “[H]opefully now the president has learned his lesson.”


Schumer said, “The American people do not like it when you throw a wrench into the lives of government workers over an unrelated political dispute. Working people throughout America empathized with the federal workers and were aghast at what the president was doing to them. Hopefully, now the president has learned his lesson.”


He continued, “Now, once the president signs the continuing resolution, we in Congress will roll up our sleeves and try to find some agreement on border security. We don’t agree on some of the specifics on border security. Democrats are firmly against the wall.”


He added, “Today the president will sign the bill to reopen the government along the outlines of what we have proposed, and hopefully it means a lesson learned for the White House and for many of our Republican colleagues: Shutting down the government over a policy difference is self-defeating. It accomplishes nothing but pain and suffering for the country and incurs an enormous political cost to the party shutting it down.”

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 4:16 p.m. No.4908656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8667

U.S. Sends More Troops To Syria To Secure Withdrawal Process


The U.S. Army has deployed additional forces in Syria in order to secure the other American service members as they withdraw under President Donald Trump’s decision to pullout all troops from the war torn country, the CNN TV reported on January 23 citing military officials.


According to the officials, the additional forces are needed to provide security for troops and equipment as they withdraw by land and air. They will also move around in different locations in northeastern Syria to provide additional security as the number of US forces dwindles.


Earlier this month, the US-led coalition announced that it has begun the process of deliberate withdrawal from Syria. A local monitoring group confirmed the coalition’s claim and said that 150 U.S. service members left the country.


However, hours after this announcement U.S. officials told the New York Times that the U.S. has withdrawn no troops from Syria. The statement was seen by many local observers as an attempt to manipulate Trump’s withdraw decision.


In another u-turn, a senior official had told NBC on January 5 that the U.S. may keep its forces in the al-Tanaf base in southeastern Syria for undetermined amount of time.


Despite of all of these attempts to manipulate Trump’s decision, local observers believe that the pressure from Ankara will force Washington to withdraw its forces at least from northeastern Syria.

Anonymous ID: 54c91a Jan. 25, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.4908688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8696

The Marxist (Left) V Zionist (Right) Deception


Soros v Netanyahu (Adelson) separate arms of the same beast and it's control system.


Same goals:

Control the world.

Elevate one class over another. Serfs/Elite. Jews/Goyim

Create a new world order.

Rule with an iron fist.

Control resources.

Eliminate competitors aka white people, black people, arab's, asians.

Greater Israel project.

Build third temple.

Bring forth the anti-christ.

Satanic rule.

Trick Christian's into believing the above must happen for the return of Jesus.

Control both sides of all arguments.

Endless death and suffering on competitors.


Traits of each:






Know thy enemy