Anonymous ID: d4b5a4 Jan. 25, 2019, 5:07 p.m. No.4909384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ATCanon here…I don't understand Trump's whole plan here but I do TRUST the plan.


Trump will need to figure out a way to destroy our Union though if he wants less bumps in the road for any shutdown in the future. I think NATCA is even more emboldened by their "win". NATCA along with Democrats and MSM were

all over the news spreading lies about the aviation system in our country being less safe and things were deteriorating. I can assure you 100% that it was all fear mongering and there was little to no impact at least at my facility. Trump needs to remind the Union and the public that NATCA would not take a stand on privatizing the air traffic control system and that if they had just taken the proposal he supported last year, we would have had a steady stream of revenue for ATC and the economy and safety would never have been a talking point. That's coming from a person that would rather keep myself federally employed for selfish reasons. There were a select few controllers who abused the furlough leave especially once they knew all fed employees were going to get back pay.


Hopefully, Trump has the solution to stop the abuse of the American taxpayer!