Anonymous ID: d74d73 Jan. 25, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.4909673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4909611 lb

>ArmyAnon Theory:

>Hype Stone's 6am arrest, use 20 FBI vehicles lighta on agents are weapons hot

>CNN is tipped off. They bite. No sense that it's too good to be true because the bait is irresistible.

>At the exact same time POTUS 'loses' the wall battle this only chums the water.

>A mindless MSM feeding frenzy ensues.

>Meanwhile Roger goes to trial, he testifies: "I did not talk to any Russians about the DNC emails"

>Mueller team: "Bullshit"

>Stone: "I can prove it, subpoena Julian Assange's txt messages and emails"

>Julian is extradited. His testimony, emails and texts prove Seth Rich delivered him a thumbdrive with the DNC docs. (How do you legally insert evidence?)

>At the same time new evidence 'surfaces' that implicates high level Democrats in his murder.

>Mic drop


>In front of the frenzied world with all eyes on Mueller the Russian collusion investigation is proven the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public while the real boogeymen played America for complete fools.


This would be nice right? But I see no EVIDENCE of this happening. For now the battle is far from over and everything can happen... like the assassination attempt that happen at the Fucking white house during the Christmas holiday!


You can only dodge a bullet so many time before it hit you. Time is ticking!