Anonymous ID: 35fca2 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.4910573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0641

Trump administration eyes transferring control of Citgo to the new Venezuelan government it has recognized


WASHINGTON - The Treasury Department plans to claim Venezuela's U.S.-based international reserves and state-owned assets - including oil refiner and distributor Citgo - on behalf of the newly recognized government headed by opposition leader Juan Guaidó, removing them from the control of President Nicolás Maduro.

In a vaguely worded statement issued late Friday, Treasury said that "the United States will use its economic and diplomatic tools to ensure that commercial transactions by the Venezuelan government, including those involving its state-owned enterprises and international reserves, are consistent" with its recognition of the Guaidó government.

U.S. and officials on both sides in Venezuela made clear that the reference was to Citgo and other assets in this country.

Guaidó spoke Friday of managing and "appointing new heads" of "ministries, Citgo, and PDVSA," the state-owned oil and petroleum industry. "We of course have many brilliant names for each of these posts, so don't worry, Venezuelans, we have the best plan for our country that is possible," he told a cheering crowd of thousands gathered in Caracas's Plaza Bolivar.

Maduro warned that "Citgo is the property of the Venezuelan state. We are the only ones who can decide its fate." He spoke at a news conference at the Miraflores presidential palace.