Anonymous ID: 457f67 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.4910535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0575 >>0726

Zionists Have Subverted the US Constitution for Israel


*It is now Illegal To Criticize Israel in South Carolina


*Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks through South Carolina Senate. April 2018


*US Congress Traitors, Zionists and Israel are destroying our First Amendment.




*Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand co-sponsored a Bill in Congress Making Boycotting Israel A FELONY


*43 Other Senators co-sponsored this Bill in Congress, July 2017. All Israel First Traitors. 26 States have now passed this Legislation.


Now more Israel First Traitors in the lame duck Congress are trying to Sneak in the Anti-Boycott Israel Act.


*It has been Defeated TWICE so far.


US Senate Traitors and Israel are demolishing Our Rights under the US Constitution.




*Imagine if Any Other Country subverted our Constitution like this, it would be 24/7 all over the Mainstream News. So why isn't this widespread Public Knowledge……..oh wait,


Zionist Cabal OWNS the Mainstream Media

Anonymous ID: 457f67 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.4910728   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bill Gates Is A Crypto-Jew


*According to John Bolton's nephew Greg T. Dixon, a Masonic high school friend….Bill Gates is hiding from the goyim public the fact that he is really Jewish.


Dixon said Bill Gates father, Bill Gates Sr., made the decision a long time ago to hide the fact he’s Jewish because he thinks there are far too many “prominent Jews” in America and doesn’t want people to gain suspicion of this fact.


**Both of Bill Gates' parents are Jewish. Dixon said that Bill Gates had a nose job. See photos in article.



Part 2


According to Henry Makow: Bill Gates ticks all the boxes for a key Illuminati "Change Agent":


  • Pervert

  • Crypto Jew

  • Control Freak

  • Killer


*See photos of Bill Gates before his nose job in Henry Makow article.


*Bill Gates' father was President of Planned Parenthood.

*2010 Bill Gates bought 500,000 shares in Monsanto.
