Anonymous ID: 7011ff Jan. 25, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.4911050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1091


Where are you Q? What about patriots, what about so many who lived under false accusation, who were forced to give up great company insurance for fucking Obamacare, what about those who lost everything and still haven't gotten back on track, what about those of us watched as everything we worked for (our tax dollars ) went and continues to go to those very people who hate us, curse us and want to get rid of us but only after they tax us to death, take our babies, inject them with poison until the effectively created an epidemic of children with neurological disorders (autism language disorders etc) due to such mandates, told over and over we are racist, xenophobes, islamaphobes……..white privilege means i have to give someone from another country my money, my children's education and rank as a US born citizen, I can get fired, or destroyed by not using the right pronoun that "someone who says they are a man when they are really a woman" gets fucking offended. Its crime now in California to not use the proper pronoun. WHy does Hannity talk about the same shit over and over there is so much more to report that Hillary's fucking 33,000 emails.


We got NY killing babies in the womp up to delivery date, fake indian vietnam vets accusing 1`5 year old catholic school boys of being racists and mob like, where the fuck are you…where is the truth, all of it….Just dump it on us once and for all, this is bullshit and we can do more with truth then what the fake mother fucking MSM does with their lies…..



Where is the TRUUUUUUUUTH….