Anonymous ID: 7a22be Jan. 25, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.4910586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0605 >>0626 >>0675 >>0756 >>0846 >>0909 >>0910 >>1072

New faggots. Roger Stone today.


ALL this to deflect from the real news broke by Jarret about Yates reading the FISA line by line. That is BOMBSHELL. She knew. None of this “I just rubber stamped it without reading it fully” BS. And as acting Attorney General, to whom did Ms. Yates report to DIRECTLY? I think his name was Barry something or other.


That is why ALL this bullshit has been going on. I will spell it out plain for the world to see:


Barack Hussein Obama, as a matter of protocol against all his opponents during his entire presidency, or as revenge for the ‘birther’ issue, AND as a hopeful safeguard to his miserable legacy of failure - initiated, approved, and then executed a sophisticated spying and smearing campaign against first opposition candidate Trump, the President elect Trump, and now finally President Trump. He used the broad powers of BOTH the US and FOREIGN intelligence agencies, the US judicial and FISC court, as well as foreign SPIES, to try and infiltrate, and plant evidence on Trump or ANY of his associates that could LEAD to Trump.


At first this was meant to merely smear Trump enough so that he could not win. Then when Trump did win, it morphed into an “insurance policy” to OUST Trump before he became entrenched and could learn the full depth of their TREASONOUS actions. Now, Obama, the MSM, and senior members of both Obama’s admin AND Congress, on BOTH sides of the aisle, are trying desperately to cover this up and implicate ANYONE in Trumps family, friends, business, campaign, or administration that could lead either to Trump resigning out of fear for his family OR being removed because of “process crimes” and lies to save the Cabal from justice.


This has morphed from a smear campaign against a candidate to a full on Coup de tat against a duly elected President. The more they try and stall, redact, or cover up with lies, innuendo, deceit, and using Mueller to “strong arm” “witnesses” to get ANY dirt on Trump, the WORSE this becomes and the BIGGER the crimes.


ALL the fault will ultimately lie with ONE person, and they are doing ANYTHING to prevent that fact from reaching the American people.


Trump knows; and when he releases what he knows, WE need to back him FULLY in doing what MUST be done.

Anonymous ID: 7a22be Jan. 25, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.4910846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1072




Newly revealed testimony by a former top FBI counterintelligence lawyer shows that former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe examined “line-by-line” the faulty warrant applications to spy on Trump presidential campaign adviser Carter Page.

Anonymous ID: 7a22be Jan. 25, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.4910979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm with you Anon. There is a lot of info here on what's in the hole. Sometimes, on a day like today, it's good to step back and let the newfags get their foot in the door.