Anonymous ID: d56f70 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.4910608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0924

Q, your opinion

Last Bread an Anon posted:


I know a lot of people are pissed off at Trump today but they’ve got to understand something. He actually put this in an Organized structure for a conclusion.

3 weeks Period.

Trump did not do this out of Weakness as they Celebrate. No, but out of Compassion for the workers. Nancy and Chuckie could give a shit who is hurt and would let this go on forever and Blame Trump.

Before it got too bad he solved

this problem for the American people and will deal with Nancy and Chuck in three weeks, and boy Will he.

They will have no options.

Trump will have the Military build the wall and keep the Govt. running on Life Support.

No funds for any NGO’s non essential like Planned Parenthood and all of them. The Dems pet projects.

Don’t sell our President short.

He did not cave in, he simply put the people first.