Anonymous ID: f6a7d9 Jan. 25, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.4910584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1090



>>4910215 pb


Almost every one of these coincidences is meaningless.


It's almost that the highest level shill is the person who decided that what we should be spending time doing is figuring out riddles from Q and inventing Q clocks, and WASTING ALL THIS TIME. Jews defending Jews only get hosest people to attack them.


The king of the shills gets the majority here to believe that Q clock fags are top researchers, when they might be delusional or crazy.


If "WE HAVE IT ALL" courtesy of the NSA or another alphabet agency or some other source, why do we need to do any research at all? Why do we have to figure out riddles?


Why doesn't Q just post a meme and say "share this meme"?


What we should be doing is figuring out what we can do as a large group of people who all want the same things, badically "Lock Her Up" and "Drain The Swamp" core Trump campaign promises. And figuring out the coded meanings behind Trump tweets and Q posts doesn't actually do anything. Trump is gonna do what Trump is gonna do. We can meme a little. Does little against Facebook and Twitter who ban us.


What else can we do, as a big group who can communicate anonymously and quickly?


What policy changes do we want?


How do we feel about destroying the MSM who has fucked Trump harder than any MSM has fucked any President?


How can we accomplish this? How can we accomplish a diminution of the fuck level by the MSM?


We don't do illegal things, but if we did, we should be a fucking angry mob burning down the houses of the top executives of the MSM. If their fake news leads to us being displeased, and we burn down their houses, they might tone it down a bit, after they lose their precious momentos (they're insured, they wouldn't lose money). We know who deserves to be hurt, they've deserved to be hurt for decades, and they never are. We can do this. We don't do illegal things, but we should be able to figure out how to hurt him.


I was looking at Roger Stone's bio, and he was quite the creative dirty trickster.


Burning Down The House (don't do it).

Anonymous ID: f6a7d9 Jan. 25, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.4911104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Now, what do you think is gonna happen if a democratic president gets elected to office after Trump?


Trump is moving slowly. What should be happening is the people find out what the bad guys have been doing, get the people outraged, get the people voting GOP and get laws changed with sizable majorities in the House and Senate.


I'd argue that we rip the shit out of the MSM, set feminism back 50+ years, get rid of the Mexicans and other illegal immigrants quickly. Big ol Jubilee - no more debts. End the Fed.


Others might have different priorities, but the sooner the truth is told, the sooner the people get pissed, the sooner we get the GOP in there that we need, the sooner we get the laws passed that completely fuck over their bases, making it difficult for them to win in the future, and giving them something to do, like trying to get the trannies out of jail, getting welfare, child support and ailimony back, getting abortion and birth control back, getting the rape and domestic violence laws back, putting the Civil Ricght Act back to including women and sexual degenerate, basically, changing the laws back to the way they are now, which allows them to act so bad all the time.


How about a Jew Quota? Way too many Jews in high places.


There are a lot of things that we can do to fix this country and waiting and waiting until team cabal completely runs out of ideas leaves us less time to do those things.