Arizona border with Mexico along I-8 near Yuma.
The Fast and Furious Guide to Orwell's Politics from his book 1984 written in 1949.
ty baker
H6K from China
The Arizona Capitol Times ran a story on July 19, 2013, about the existence of the “Arizona Mafia”. The author was reporter Jeremy Duda, email:
Here is a link to the July 19, 2013 AZ Capitol Times “Arizona Mafia” article:
The article names members of the Arizona Mafia in a list, which is similar to the list I reported on a few days ago.
According to the Arizona Capitol Times, “At least 25 Arizonans, mostly from within her gubernatorial administration, followed [Janet] Napolitano to Washington D.C., and served within the massive U.S. Department of Homeland Security that she has overseen for the past four-and-a-half years. Many have moved on to bigger and better things.”
By “bigger and better things,” the author meant that many of the 25 individuals gained senior positions within agencies of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Usually, those positions were at or near the top of the agency organizational chart, such as “Chief of Staff” or “Chief Administrator” positions.
Individuals in such capacities had, and continue to have, unique access to information from “inside,” within the secure databases and computer systems of the United States Federal Government, such as systems that process and/or approve immigration visas, systems that monitor money laundering, and even top-secret reports that are exchanged between federal agencies about drug trafficking targets and investigations.
Each agency inside of DHS has a powerful reach into the depths of the federal government databases, and there are 22 federal agencies inside DHS. The biggest agency is Customs and Border Protection (CBP), with more than 60,000 employees. It is the nation’s largest federal law enforcement agency, larger than the FBI, which employs 35,000.
Read the rest here:
Now The Santa Monica Observer says Ruth Bader Ginsburg has pneumonia and is fighting for her life.
And… That Ginsburg will retire in January.
The Santa Monica Observer reported:
As any reader of the Santa Monica Observer knew last September, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has developed lung cancer. The 85 year old Supreme Court Justice had surgery as quietly as possible on December 22, 2018.
Following surgery, she has developed complications including pneumonia. Pneumonia often afflicts elderly post surgery patients in the US, since antibiotics have resulted in Multi Resistant Strains of the lung infection.
The left and the main stream media have tried to put on a brave face as Ginsburg missed three straight days of argument this week, interviewing cancer doctors to say that she would recover. They claimed that she was working in her hospital room, knowing that it was untrue.
No one in the media on in the Democratic party want to face the awful truth that President Donald Trump is about to replace one of the Court’s most liberal justices.
For the military vets on this board. She's smiling at you.
Chinese J20's
Chinese J20 w/their bay open
2018 vote
Congress has voted on these already. Trump has stopped the US Mint from printing them. If he goes? Get ready to hand over all your old money or you'll be tagged as a racist and then your old money won't work at all the progressive fast food joints but it won't stop there. Mom/Pop or indie stores won't be able to take the old cash b/c the BANKS won't take it either as of a certain date. This way anyone having a back up pile of cash for emergencies? They'll now know who you are. What do you want to do with that $9,000? or maybe the new limit is now $4,000. After all everything is monitored through your iphone - its tracking your movements EVERYWHERE and how many footsteps you take unless you turn it completely off. Remember when liberals screamed about George W Bush's decree that libraries start monitoring the books people take out? for national security? Now look at all of us. Bunch of saps. txt'ing our lives away where its slurped up, marketed out, read by No Such Agency - the only one that listens, shared with others who will use 27 agents against 66 year old men w/a blind wife 2 dogs and cats, a passport that's expired and zero cash assets all the while a preferred gov't agencie's propaganda source is video taping live the entire event and the President asks "I wonder who tipped them off?" Here's the real question - Why doesn't POTUS call Wray into the office and ask him? Why doesn't he unmask/unblind/unredact the documents for the FISA warrant? What are they holding over him? His kids? His IRS forms? Its something deep state has. I mean who is his AG pick? HWBush's AG who's Mueller's BFF. Why pick him? So he could sail through a 53 (ok 50 since Flake I mean Romney, Flake I mean Collins, Flake I mean Murkowski, Flake Oops down to 49 I mean Tennessee's Senator) Republican Senate? Maybe that was wise considering…
There's Harriet Tubman and Sitting Bull.Not these as pictured. But new ones are issued for the $10's and $20s.Grant is also getting remade.
And…..this will last all of 2-3 years max before they start wanting more territory, wanting more little boys to fuck, and they'll be right back into invading villages where father's are slaughtered, women are put in huge blue sheets so the men don't have to look at them but they'll impregnate them so they get more boys! Can't we just wipe them out with some targeted virus?
Hurry. Its been a LONG bake time tonight.