spot on
that might just be the point.
not a big jump in logic, at that point: "hey, why not just let it come out and deal with it then, it'll be simpler that way".
aaaaand Mlech gets fresh complete-babies sacrifices galore
all the more reason to have constant last-straw\defeated\concern posts here to help project that narrative of "defeat"
riot cops pointing their weapons again, taunting the crowd.
"Liberal values"?!?!?
the nerve of these fucks…
where's their outrage for internet control laws, arrests & crackdowns on speech, etc, etc…
but nah, muh populism is dangerous cause it's popular
moving a sort of "overton window" from just not-fully-developped foetuses to fully formed babies…
rationalizing\legalizing straight-up murder
>Black Forest.
hooooooooooooooly crap
guyze have you seen this reaction?
-throws a shit-ton of random insults and sexual projection
<perfect representation of utter shit. Absolute utter shit.
-focuses on a single photograph, ignoring dozens of connections and info brought forth that contradicts Cohen's official narrative (such as lies to his whereabouts, etc)
<She has a picture, so "it's pretty conclusive then."
i never liked the "flak over target" misused logic, but this just SCREAMS (literal all-caps aplenty) for us that
there most definitely is truth to the Cohen Spook dossier
>Let’s skip the ad hominems and worthless, meaningless, diversions
you're a bit late for that, dear, aren't ya?
changed your mind?
>the most assine post I have ever read posted on 8chan.
>Are you fucking sucking your own dick? Are you the guy shooting himself up for pain relief with his own semen for pain relief?
>t most silent anons here are that fucking stupid
nice call to group shaming, there.
weak, weak "argument", but quite telling.
the liminalist interviews are hours long
Ann Diamond has a book out with her story
but yeah
keep kvetching, bring more eyes on.
the world deserves to know the truth about Spook Cohen, liar and murderer
had you seen that story before?
i had to go look for it…
it's weird how there are hundreds and thousands of youtube vids and articles about the whole Faul/Paul is dead thing, but this?
never seen it even mentioned anywhere else
this is hilarious and getting better
<You're a sad, fucking pathetic fucking loser.
thought you were done with the ad hominems
>Let’s skip the ad hominems and worthless, meaningless, diversions and actually cite something.
<Let me remind you, Mr. Cohen has an entire country honoring him, let alone, the world
lovely worthless appeal to groupthink ya got there (again)
ya got nothin
< the invite remains open. I beg you, make my day and pay me a visit you worthless said sack of shit.
< by all means, pay me a visit
i already asked who the fuck you are >>4916265
Thank you for confirming the validity of Cohen's double life, bro
>Then why the need to post? Keep trying….harder, that is. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding here
you're paddling hard to prevent anons from looking into Cohen's life & murders.