If you buy $83 worth of groceries, pay with a $100 bill, and get $17 worth of change, and you assume Hillary is getting locked up today.
You might be Anon.
If you buy $83 worth of groceries, pay with a $100 bill, and get $17 worth of change, and you assume Hillary is getting locked up today.
You might be Anon.
No! If this becomes a Notable, Hillary will never get locked up! Do not fuck up the Notables, or the Plan will be dead!
Here's a morale boost.
Even if the plan is a bust, we are still the richest country in the world (by far) and you have it good.
The pedophiles that rule over us require a strong USA.
So thank the pedophiles that will always rule over us. Thank them for eating little Haitian and Guatemalan almonds, and not yours.
Go back to being an entitled, over-privileged shithead.
((They)) have to tell us what they are doing to clear their karma.
This is why they declassify things after a while.
This is why they prop up people like Alex Jones.
This is why we've been visited by FBI Anon, High-Level Insider, MegaAnon, CongressAnon, and now Q Anon.
Disclosure is key to their ascension in their satanic Law-of-One religion.
By lending them an ear, we have helped the pedophiles complete their supposed divine quest toward negative 4th density.
Is this an honor?
They never needed a one world government. That was always disinfo.
They don't want to destroy us, they want to limit our population and control us. There is a difference. You black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking is why they think you are a dumb animal.
This is why: >>4916250
If there was just one plan for world governance, why do you think these people meet and debate in secret all the time.
As technology advances, their ability to predict the future improves, and plans naturally change.
The plan to diminish America was scaled back because ((they)) decided it went too far and was not in ((their)) best interest. THEY allowed Trump to win, and they will allow him to take some of the credit.
You are watching a movie.
I know. Why don't you all just march down to Capital Hill with your semi-auto firearms and see how long it takes the US Military to exterminate you. Let me know, and I'll start the betting pool.
Your second amendment will not help you. Our military is strong enough to mow down all the armies of the world. You wouldn't stand a chance.
Very astute response. That was impressive, yes I have read hidden hand. Unfortunately, it does resonate.
I say "your" because I am not permitted to own a firearm in my situation. I have a very minor felony drug conviction 15 years ago, and I live in one of the worst gun states in the country.
I have no second amendment.