Anonymous ID: b5b483 Jan. 26, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.4915869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5877





HomePosts tagged 'perkins coie'


Happy Memo Day! A Brief Timeline of the HPSCI Memo

February 2, 2018 Politics & Other Drugs Andrew McCabe, Barack Obama, Carter Page, Christopher Steele, collusion, Dana Boente, David Corn, Devin Nunes, Dossier, FISA, FISC, Fusion GPS, FusionGPS, George Papadopolous, George Papadopoulos, Glenn Simpson, Hillary Clinton, Jill McCabe, Lisa Page, Marc Elias, Memo, Michael Flynn, Michael Isikoff, perkins coie, perkins coie LLP, perkinscoie, perkinscoieLLP, Peter Strzok, ReleaseTheMemo, Richard Nixon, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Russia, Sally Yates, Steele Dossier, Terry McAuliffe

March 2009 – Christopher Steele and Chris Burrows found Orbis Business Ltd.


Summer 2010 – Steele meets in London with the FBI “Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force about possible corruption in FIFA.


March 2015 – Terry McAuliffe recruited Jill McCabe to run for Virginia State Senate and donates $500,000 to her campaign.


McAuliffe is the former co-chairman for both Bill and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns and one of their largest fundraisers.


July 2015 – FBI Counterintelligence Office begins probe into Clinton email server. Peter Strzok is in charge of a dozen investigators involved in the probe.


September 2015 – Washington Free Beacon hires FusionGPS to research the Republican presidential nominees, including Donald Trump.


July 2016 – Donald Trump becomes the Republican candidate for President of the United States. FusionGPS is hired by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to continue its opposition research into Trump. FusionGPS retains Christopher Steele to conduct the ‘research.’


FBI agent Peter Strzok is assigned to investigate Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos. Strzok exchanged a series of texts with FBI attorney Lisa Page. The texts indicated a strong politically partisan bias against Trump and discussed Strzok’s investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and a meeting with then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe about an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump’s election.


September 2016 – Steele told Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr about his politically partisan bias against Donald Trump becoming president. Ohr recorded the meeting in FBI documents.


Nellie Ohr, an employee of FusionGPS and wife of Bruce Ohr, participated in opposition research on Trump. Bruce Ohr provided his wife’s research to the FBI.


Steele, at the direction of FusionGPS, met with several media outlets (New York Times, Yahoo!, New Yorker) to leak the information in the ‘Steele dossier’. At least one of these meetings was hosted by Perkins Coie.


September 23, 2016 – Yahoo!News publishes an article by Michael Isikoff with information leaked by Christopher Steele.


October 2016 – The FBI files a FISA application directed at Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page. This application does not mention FusionGPS(Glenn Simpson), Perkins Coie (Marc Elias), or that Steele, FusionGPS, Perkins Coie were being paid by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The application does not mention that Steele received payments from the FBI.


FISA warrant applications require at least one high-level signatory from the FBI (Director or Deputy-Director) and one from the DOJ (Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General)


The FISA application and its three subsequent renewals were signed by:


James Comey (x3, FBI)


Andrew McCabe (FBI)


Sally Yates (DOJ)


Dana Boente (DOJ)


Rod Rosenstein (DOJ)



Anonymous ID: b5b483 Jan. 26, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.4915877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390


At the end of October, the FBI revealed that it was reopening the investigation into the Clinton emails, having discovered a cache on Anthony Weiner’s laptop in late September 2016. Andrew McCabe is alleged to have delayed investigation into the Weiner cache of emails. Then-Director James Comey announced that the probe was shut down again.


October 30-31, 2016 – Mother Jones publishes an article by David Corn containing information leaked by Christopher Steele. The FBI terminated its association with Steele around this time based on his concealment of his September meeting with the media the revelation to the media of his FBI status.


January 2017 – Then-Director James Comey briefed President Trump on a summary of the ‘Steele dossier.’


May 2017 – Mueller appointed special counsel. Strzok joins the office of the Special Counsel.


June 2017 – Then-Director James Comey testified before the House Intelligence committee that the information in the ‘Steele dossier’ was “salacious and unverified.”


July 2017 – Robert Mueller learns of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s communications in July 2016; Strzok is reassigned to human resources at the FBI. The texts also revealed that Page was Strzok’s mistress.


December 2017 – Then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been sought without the ‘Steele dossier’ information.


January 2018 – Deputy-Director Andrew McCabe resigned from the FBI in advance of an Inspector-General report criticizing the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email server investigation.


February 2, 2018 – MEMO DAY!


Bruce & Nellie Ohr sliding information from a private organization into FBI files under the radar is highly improper, if not unethical.


Andrew McCabe should have recused himself immediately from the Clinton email investigation as the connections between his wife and the Clintonistas (McAuliffe has always been an extension of Bill and Hillary) were too close to ensure that he could investigate Hillary impartially and critically.


If Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos are in the docket for the mortal sin of lying to the FBI, Peter Strzok, Christopher Steele, and Lisa Page should be standing right next to them.


The only collusion we’ve seen evidence of is collusion between Democrats to undermine the 2016 election wherever possible and to lie about their biases while doing so.


But, at least Russians have finally gotten woke to Russian subversion, even if it 60 years after they should have.


D.C. is an incestuous little nest of vipers. This is not new. What the HPSCI memo reveals is how highly-placed government officials will use the power of their office in service to partisan politics. The Democrat abuse of FISA only proves that their villanization of Richard Nixon as a political anti-Christ for spying on his political enemies is not based on any moral objection to spying, but the fact that a Republican would have the temerity to spy on them.

Anonymous ID: b5b483 Jan. 26, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.4916172   🗄️.is 🔗kun




                  • *


* CRIMINAL NO. Grand Jury Original 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001, 1505, 1512, 2


The Grand Jury for the District of Columbia charges:




By in or around May 2016, the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (“DCCC”) became aware that their computer systems had been compromised by unauthorized intrusions and hired a security company (“Company 1”) to identify the extent of the intrusions. 2.


On or about June 14, 2016, the DNC—through Company 1—publicly announced that it had been hacked by Russian government actors. 3.


From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”)



2 a.


On or about July 22, 2016, Organization 1 released documents stolen from the DNC. b.


Between on or about October 7, 2016 and on or about November 7, 2016, Organization 1 released approximately 33 tranches of documents that had been stolen from the personal email account of the Clinton Campaign chairman, totaling over 50,000 stolen documents. 4.


ROGER JASON STONE, JR. was a political consultant who worked for decades in U.S. politics and on U.S. political campaigns. STONE was an official on the U.S. presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump (“Trump Campaign”) until in or around August 2015, and maintained regular contact with and publicly supported the Trump Campaign through the 2016 election. 5.


During the summer of 2016, STONE spoke to senior Trump Campaign officials about Organization 1 and information it might have had that would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. STONE was contacted by senior Trump Campaign officials to inquire about future releases by Organization 1. 6.


By in or around early August 2016, STONE was claiming both publicly and privately to have communicated with Organization 1. By in or around mid-August 2016, Organization 1 made a public statement denying direct communication with STONE. Thereafter, STONE said that his communication with Organization 1 had occurred through a person STONE described as a “mutual friend,” “go-between,” and “intermediary.” STONE also continued to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign about Organization 1 and its intended future releases. 7.


After the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (“HPSCI”), the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (“SSCI”), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) opened or announced their respective


3 investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which included investigating STONE’s claims of contact with Organization 1. 8.


In response, STONE took steps to obstruct these investigations. Among other steps to obstruct the investigations, STONE: a.


Made multiple false statements to HPSCI about his interactions regarding Organization 1, and falsely denied possessing records that contained evidence of these interactions; and b.


Attempted to persuade a witness to provide false testimony to and withhold pertinent information from the investigations.


24 pgs

Anonymous ID: b5b483 Jan. 26, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.4916428   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Date: 2008-06-25 17:51

Subject: RE: Statement from the Fund for America




Amy, please don't send this out until we have had a chance to speak.




From: Amy Dacey []

Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:39 PM

To: John Stocks; John Podesta; Anna Burger; Robert McKay

Cc: Elias, Marc (Perkins Coie); Debbie Fine; Frank Smith; Vachon,

Michael; L Kerman; Mary Pat Bonner

Subject: Statement from the Fund for America


I wanted to make sure you were aware that we have a statement from the

Fund, fully vetted and with Legal approval (attached)


The plan is to have an email go out at 6:30 pm this evening to donors.

It will come from John P's FFA account and each will be personalized to

the invividual donor.


This will serve as our official notice.


In addition over the next few days phone calls and personal notes will

be sent to those who contributed to the Fund thanking them for their



We will not send out a press statement or comment on press inquiries. I

will send this statement out to the press contacts in your office so

they are aware and fully informed.


We have been extremely senstive to future fundraising efforts for

progressive groups who still need resources to do their work.


I cannot thank you all enough for your patience and help during this


If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on my cell at

anytime (202-528-7492)


Amy K. Dacey

Executive Director

Fund for America



lists all 187 groups

Anonymous ID: b5b483 Jan. 26, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.4916497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


10 of 187


Trump under attack by 187 organizations directly funded by George Soros


March 20, 2016/in Featured, Immigration, Labor / Unions, Policy, Politics /by Dr. Rich Swier

There have been many articles written about George Soros and his collectivist activism. Soros is a business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author who is of Jewish-Hungarian ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. Discover the Networks has published a comprehensive list of organizations funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute.


Some of these groups have actively opposed Donald Trump for president and may be part of the recent levels of violence and chaos seen at his rallies. Many of the groups favor: open borders, amnesty, giving illegals voting rights, Muslim migration and social justice.


You may learn more about Soros and his causes from these two articles:


Open Society Institute: Top 150 Grantees by Tina Trent October 19, 2011

Major Recipients of Soros Funding, 1999-2005 by The Capital Research Center March 2005

Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI) include the following. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the “Groups” section of


Advancement Project: This organization works to organize “communities of color” into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department.

Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified “liberal” radio network.

All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws — which vary from state to state — so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates to cast their ballots in political elections.

Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.”

America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.

America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.

America’s Voice: This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.

American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy: This organization “opposes laws that require employers and persons providing education, health care, or other social services to verify citizenship or immigration status.”

American Bridge 21st Century: This Super PAC conducts opposition research designed to help Democratic political candidates defeat their Republican foes.

American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its Advisory Board.