Anonymous ID: 17bdc3 Jan. 26, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.4917299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Got a nice email today in my junk folder:


Let's just be honest [FIRST] – these days, reading or watching the news can be disappointing and discouraging. It seems like there's always a new scandal, another absurd tweet, or some backward policy making its way through Washington.


But let me tell you something else: The energy and enthusiasm I see in people all over the country are anything but discouraging.


In the months leading up to the 2018 election, I watched thousands of fired up students, parents, seniors, teachers, medical workers, activists and veterans joining forces to fight for our values. They poured into town halls, phone banks, and marches throughout the country.


They did it because they believe that the American Dream should be within reach for everyone. We didn't agonize over Republicans standing in our way. We organized. And together, we won back a Democratic Majority in the House.


On the very first day of the new majority, we moved to end the Trump Shutdown and get the government working. We put forth an aggressive plan on campaign finance, ethics standards, and to expand access to voting.


Today, I'm asking you to be a part of our movement. But if you'd rather not hear from us over the coming months, I understand. Simply click this link and we'll be sure you don't receive any messages in the future.


Trump and Congressional Republicans won't define 2019 and 2020. What happens will be decided by you – and millions of Americans willing to step up and fight for what they believe in.


Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I hope I can count on you as we move forward.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi


P.S.: Your support is critical to success – not just for me, but for the new Democratic Majority. We're all counting on your support. But if you aren't interested in receiving messages from us, I wanted to give you another opportunity to click this link and opt out.


Paid for by Nancy Pelosi for Congress

700 13th St NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20005