God chose to bring you into a righteous position through the law of faith.
He did this to ensure that no one would get the glory except Him.
How can you boast about what was freely given to you?
You did not earn your right standing with God. Your good works did not save you from sin and hell.
You did not transfer yourself out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
God did all of this for you through Jesus Christ. boasting or feeling that you are better than other people is excluded.
(YOU) have been declared righteous by God apart from your deeds and only because you believed in Christ.
You have received what God made available for you through the finished work of Christ.
You have no reason to boast because your acceptance before God is not based on your works.
God’s approval and love for you is not based on your works or performance.
He has once and for ALL accepted and received you as His child through your faith in Christ.
You have been justified or declared NO LONGER GUILTY because if your faith in Christ and not your works.
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