Anonymous ID: 350b3f Jan. 26, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.4916663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6809

reminder to all human anons:


This board is but a tangible reflection of Armageddon, which is the battle for the minds and souls of the living.


Confounding to unexpanded literalist mindsets, is the fact that the reference is allegorical, like most word codes describing the intangible but ultimately real.


For those who have weathered all the shill storms and hasbara hacks to be here now, have you noted how EASY it is becoming to discern shill from fool, hasbara from retard?


We are learning (relearning) to

play the game


to regain our birthright powers, where we come from faith cooperating with reason, to weed out all the lies we have incorporated into our fractureds thought process and spend our time wisely with those who are cooperative and constructive, leaving in the dirt all those who would rather play war games in the mind, programming their minds with banal destructiveness and the slide of divisiveness over nothing burgers!


All variations of lies are now on display in the sunlight of high noon!


Derisive and derogatory? Demonic intent.

Positive and supportive? Angelic intent.

Derisive and derogatory? Demonic source.

Positive and supportive? Angelic source.

Any questions?



Anonymous ID: 350b3f Jan. 26, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.4917073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>4916663 (You)


>Since finding this board and becoming tuned in and fully red pilled I have:


>a) not had a sip of alcohol in over a year.


>b) weaned myself off of my adderall prescription because I don't want to take speed for the rest of my life


>c) completely quit using any and all forms of nicotine


>My mind, body and soul are sharp and crystal clear. I am ready. The time is hear and I will never stop fighting and trying to red pill.




ty anon, for passing on the only kind of good news that matters in the end:

people taking back their lives from the mind controllers and fiding their own creative power.


Your bootstrap redemption and your will power in action is inspiring to all with hearts connected to mind.


When will the shills, trolls and hasbara JV team REALIZE the meaning of:











We are in this creation together and we best stop playing the dominane games of the demons and start playing nice with our other selves, acting in this play all around us!


The alternative scenario, while fantasy grist for some, is the end of civilization as we know it.