Damn cia
paint your doors and carve your nickels
Jew wine and hobo nickels made trump a homo devil
13 step judas fehgels
If homo pride were real
ARPANET is codepenant
It's not about cat-7 or rj6
TLS betrayed (you)
Typhoid Mary did her own stunts ftw
Fexas faith knocks down banks and skyscrapers and fucks cattle 🐮
Die hard 1,2,3,4 are allegory of the chans and the machine universe
And cow fucking Fexas Faggots robbing shit for a judas faggot rothschild
Give ya a nickel for that mansion
04 mini coopers S and the Dr Pepper machine
Got a nickel for that yacht too
Rub some daniel lotion
Fakeing the homo
Npc really wants North Korea trumpburger at mcdonalds