Anonymous ID: 542916 Jan. 26, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.4920220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0284 >>0389 >>0459

Luciferian Spell signaling:


I just kinda needed to get this off my chest while it was fresh in my mind. I hope maybe it helps fellow anon researchers.


This an accounting of an epiphany - a realization I’ve come to while going through my process of awakening over the last year or so. This has occurred while doing my own research and applying a God-given discernment of all the noise out there on these topics.

I’ve been down a long dark rabbit hole which included studying theology, cabalism, the 13 bloodlines, the origins of luciferianism and many other tangents. All while trying to tip-toe and avoid the reptilian rabbit hole that’s intertwined.


There is so much dis-info out there it’s a constant struggle to separate legitimate from sensational information.


My focus has been on the Luciferian mechanisms of the deep state, the Cabal and the Paseur elites.


I’ve asked myself…

Why do these seemly intelligent and powerful people so publicly broadcast all their moves beforehand?

Why do they publicly signal who they are with symbols and iconography?


Q has said many times that “these people are stupid”. They sure seem that way most of the time. Q has also said that they reveal themselves through their symbolism.

But I think that only scratches the surface of the real truth behind it all.


If they truly wanted to succeed in their efforts, wouldn’t they avoid broadcasting such telling clues?


I believe the answer is that the dark magic they are performing requires a public component to be more powerful. That broadcasting their intentions publicly feeds their spells with stronger negative energy. Making the spells more powerful and potent. Perhaps it’s the brashness, defiance and boldness that gives their magic an “octane boost”.


I also suspect US military intelligence has developed algorithms for seeking out those clues and giving the white hats opportunity to thwart their plans. Maybe it’s a key component to why they seem to be so many steps ahead of the deep state.


If the deep state luciferians were to remove that component, then their workings would have less power and wouldn’t work anyway.

So they are stupid. They can’t not broadcast their moves. And they can’t make their moves without publicly broadcasting them.


They truly are trapped and doomed to fail as long as the good guys understand how they must work. The key to it all is information and data.


You can find a multitude of examples to support this. I’ll name just a few… I’m sure many of you can come up with literally 100’s of examples.


> Donna Brazeal tweet: #presidentpolosi

I believe they were most likely working a spell against POTUS to assassinate him. And that the tweet was intended to make the spell stronger.


> The Las Vegas shooting at the base of the Luxor casino


> George Bush Sr: “thousand points of light”


> Vatican auditorium designed to look like a serpent inside and out.


> the eye and pyramid on our dollar bill


> 9-11 WTC I’ll just provide this link com/amp/s/


> how many times has the TV show “The Simpsons” weirdly foretold world events?


We could probably all go on for months pointing out these strange coincidences.


I guess my point is, we should trust what our logical brain is telling us is true. Many of these coincidences we see are the discernment that God has equipped us with to fight back.

The fake news media is casting a spell on the world population - telling everyone that what they see is not really what they think it is. Our human brains are connecting dots that aren’t really connected.


Yeah right - bullshit!

Perhaps the most powerful dark spell of all is the one being worked by the mainstream media over the last 20-40 yrs.


If I’m correct about the dark magical component, of broadcasting intentions… then they have a weakness that can be exploited.


WE have an extremely powerful tool in this fight. The Q anon research for me, has helped bring me back to the discernment God intended me to have.


God Bless!



(I don’t really know how to make the red letters for a notable post.

But if any bakers or other anons think this is noteworthy… but if please update as such.)