ok, so i listened to the 2 new parts (actually one interview edited), hadn't heard those before…
there's not much more info, the conversation is more meta, but for that, they touch upon interesting things for those with an interest in conspiracy/the cult/etc… (fascinating contrast between the more rational evidence-based approach of the interviewer, vs a more intuitive, maybe vague, sideways approach, which admittedly can't have the same convincing power as a well established demonstration of facts, but when dealing with murky waters and subjects where such precision can never quite be reached, there are many compelling arguments to see it as a worthy path as well)
so yup, very long and not for everyone, but the good stuff/details on Cohen's dark side is more in the first parts, though the update does have its moments.
The Field Commander of Zion: Leonard Cohen, Ann Diamond, MKUltra, Jimmy Savile, & Cultural Engineering
"The cultural (& counter-cultural) figures we identify with shape our identity to the extent that it is almost unthinkable that they might be other than they seem. There are almost no tools in the current culture to describe or understand this because our thinking has been shaped by the very forces we are trying to think about. I literally wrote a book about it. (Seen & Not Seen, worth a look if you are curious about how one person, me, went about deprogramming himself; and don’t be fooled into thinking you weren’t inducted into the program. We all were.)
At this point, there seem to be only two possibilities: either anyone you care to name as a cultural influence is part of a massive, decades-long organized crime/pedophile ring that employs “art” and “spirituality” as an unrecognized (probably ancient) form of technology for social engineering; or, there’s a massive disinformation program to make us think so and reject all our cultural heroes as compromised to the point of being utterly unfit for consumption."
The Liminalist # 31: I Know Who You Are (with Ann Diamond)
The Liminalist # 31.5: The Guerrilla in the Room (with Ann Diamond)
The Liminalist # 134: Comparative Mythologies (Leonard Cohen’s Deep Background, with Ann Diamond)
The Liminalist # 134.5: Loyal to the Lodge (with Ann Diamond)
Part two of return conversation with Ann Diamond, on Leonard Cohen’s family connections to organized crime, McGill and Fabians, the Sabbatai Zvi cult, Kabbala and Judaism, (…)
+Leonard had a body double: http://lunamoth1.blogspot.ca/2017/11/meet-leonard-cohens-double.html
+He accidentally confessed to being with Joplin when she died: http://lunamoth1.blogspot.ca/2017/11/you-want-it-darker-janis-joplin.html