Anonymous ID: 89b07f Jan. 26, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.4920230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0266


Do people here really think POTUS is acting as a human in all of this?


Let's say we are planning out Q's plan. We know that we are going to shut down the government. Do we… What… Just assume that after a month we will get what we want from the dc mafia?

No. We consider scenarios for how long this shutdown will occur. We sit down and figure out exactly when and where we are going to need additional funding for x, y, or z, and then make sure to structure that into the script.


Seriously… When you all think of "plan" - do you think of a night of drinking with your friends, or something? It's not that hard to sit down and consider all the categories of things that can happen, and plan for each of them. Even GHW's funeral was a foreseen play.

None of the major players can do anything that falls outside of the foreseen scope of actions, as all possible actions fall within contingency triggers.


There is no escape. I do not know the details of the plan, but with people in Q's position, when they say they have full control and there is no escape, they are not making such statements lightly.

Anonymous ID: 89b07f Jan. 26, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.4920394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I generally pay no attention to the news. I'll review some of the interesting events, but I don't really get into watching any news channel or even listening to radio broadcasts, these days.

No reason to. It's all drama and projection designed to tapdance on our adrenal gland.


My emotions are rather simple. I had resolved to "saving my world" at any and all costs long ago. I just look for indications that events are part of the plan, and defer to Q's method, because I really don't want to have to murder thousands, millions, or billions over misunderstandings due to media projection.

I initially assessed a Trump presidency as merely being a stall of the inevitable. I have no reason to get bound up in the political drama beyond intermittent evaluations of Q's progress with the plan and my own study of its objectives and methods.


People who get emotional about all of this are people who do not have a plan of their own for dealing with the times they dread.