Anonymous ID: c29c39 I THINKED I CRACKED THE CODE Jan. 26, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.4919734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9767 >>9776 >>9857 >>9879 >>9998 >>0024 >>0035 >>0097 >>0163 >>0389

News unlocks the map.


Rothschilds sold "Last austria" enclave.


Theory: this news event "Signalled" to the world via news that q and trump just took down the rothschilds.


second pyramid gone


Why would fake news be the very first strategy of potus?


Because it will mean it is the laaaaaaaaaaaaaast side of the pyramid.


The light of truth is a straight line.


Last side of the pyramid.


hello george soros shillbots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Enough of this and military will permit public dissemination of the truth of what trump and q and the military just did without leaks.


What did you think was happening during the shutdown?


Movie time, the patriots said to the criminals play these roles and you will not be tried in military court for treason which is punishable by……


What happened to scalia?


They all knew.


What just happened:


35 days of military court, which became legal by eo effective jan 2019.


Shut down government 35 days.


Announce reopening of government for…


3 weeks….


For the military to carry out the executions.


8000 "Caravan", I.E. Soros army, coming for us as reaction to rothschilds going down.




Fake news


Will eventually fall on its own. No more protection. No more backing. All at the mercy of a digital army of truth warriors.


3 weeks and then it's off to the races…Meaning nothing holding the world back from truth and prosperity and final destruction of a satanic family cult of criminal human breeders, traffickers, and killers.


Evil executed.


Here it comes folks.


Trump can build the wall and no globalist will be able to stop it.


Then their cash cows of weapons trafficking, harmful drug trafficking, and human trafficking control over the nation.


Folks, the way they maintained control over the currency was to ensure there is always a demand for them, so they devised the most sick and depraved "Market" to spread their fake currency.


Blackmail was used against our elected officials.


Cia was their way to ensure the more "Enterprising" but nonetheless good, moral, happy people never threatened their ability to continue the weapons, drugs, and human trafficking "Demand" for us currency.


Fed was their "Local" op.


Don't worry folks, it's over, it's done. Truth just needs time to spread worldwide without censorship and the world will be a different place of incredible opportunity, happiness and joy that none of us even thought was possible because of how many generations back they started harvesting the american population.


The harvest was to keep humans sick on their "Medicine", destroy their spines, their humanity, to turn them into good socialist man that these sick fucks put into the education system they also controlled as if apocalyptic dreamlands were more real than reality itself as it is.








People, 3 weeks for the executions then they tell the world the truth, and fake news can't do shit because their masters are gone.


Gee, how did that journalist end up at the house?












What do they do now?


They become irrelevant in a matter of a short time.


Buzzfeed fires.


Or removal of "their" agents?


Fakebook 50% fake accounts, from documented court filings publicized.


50% bots to make it seem like the crazy fucking liberal insanity was "the other half" instead of a tiny minority.


But see how so many just talked the words they saw on the media?


Just words they wanted people to say.


ONLY these words, NOT those words.


Then the words changed.


Satanism in practise.


Symbology manipulation.


Social conditioning?


Pure evil.

Anonymous ID: c29c39 Jan. 26, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.4919914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978

(((They))) were FOR walls only when they had the control over the nation to choose NOT to build it.


See how they operate?


Trump just got them to totally contradict themselves




Think about that good and hard you dumb fuck bots and sheep still asleep with such fake news that the only sheep left are the psychotic murderers and their vocal puppets throughout the msm, HW, etc.


They breeded children to be actors and actresses who PLAYED FAKE PERSONAS to be the "stars" that the sheep were to follow as if THESE people out of EVERY LAST PERSON ON EARTH would have been a more objective perception of who is controlling them?


Good God almighty, they wanted us to follow the stars.


Pharoahs were the world's first globally known "god become man" bloodline cult.




This is bigger than anyone thought possible.

Anonymous ID: c29c39 Jan. 26, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.4919978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0012



Trump successfully delivered the message worldwide that the Demokkkrats are PRO-WEAPONS, HARMFUL DRUGS, AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING.


What does that mean "PRO" anything?


It means the D party was being used to protect the cult's illegal markets that ensured a demand for the rothschild fake currency in the united states.


this was an insurgency folks.


Of its finest in politics.


3 weeks to carry out the military executions.


remember the EO?


Military tribunals become legal Jan 2019.


Did you think they would announce (leak) when the trials actually began?


Why was the government really shut down?


To prosecute by tribunal the sick fucks who harvested us.


Those who agreed to play their role according to Q's plan (Schumer barfed or shat himself or something after he was told what role he is going to end up playing and WHAT he will be commanded to have to defend.


Weapons, drugs, and human trafficking?


"That's who I am being told to have to defend in public?"


Q: Not directly, it will just look that way, don't worry, we'll handle the script.




Why does Pelosi want to cancel SOTU?


SOTU will be the picture of her spread worldwide as the world learns what just happened after military deems nation safe from the treasonous bastards.

Anonymous ID: c29c39 Jan. 26, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.4920075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0090 >>0099



This residual NPC programming has "boomer" semantic/rhetoric bugs and glitches remaining.


They can't use logic or evidence.


They're BOTS.


That's why Q emplored us to use logic, instead of just believing the coding algorithm.



Anonymous ID: c29c39 RBG disappearance MEANING Jan. 26, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.4920215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0231

It means the military and Trump applied for and was approved for military tribunals and executions.


Notice RBG was "no named" around the start of the shutdown?


The start to the shutdown was the story while the military took care of business in court for 35 days.


Evidence overwhelming no doubts at all true.


Supreme Court stamp of approval.


Those who agreed to go public with a persona were spared death.



Anonymous ID: c29c39 Jan. 26, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.4920270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0282



What the hell is wrong with you? THAT'S A SUBJECT NOT A NAME YOU DUMB FUCK.


See the empty boxes above your vomit inducing maahhhd coding sssskillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!!!!!!!!!!