New Call for a
Go-Fund-Me !
Many years ago,
there were many
in the private sector
who lost their jobs
because of some
New Change that
King Obama-mama-ai-oe
enacted !
At that Time,
commented that
these people would
now have increased
time to engage . . .
in Fingerpainting . . .
and other Hobbies.
We would never wish
to appear to be
as Nasty
as Nancy,
I propose that
we take up a collection,
that we can send
to the home
of each and every
Furloughed Government Worker,
Deluxe type
This will ensure that on
Next Monday,
when they recieve notice,
of their
Permanent Layoffs,
that they will already
be equipped
for Fun ! ! !
( Without a large startup cost !)
Lets see,
500,000 workers × $X.XX per kit = __
And perhaps our
Beer-Less Leader
could declare
yet again another
Official Holiday:
Teach Your Child to Meme Day !
( Many of Us may feel more
Inspired if we do things
the Old-Fashioned-Way,
and then, after a suitable
period of drying,
Run our Artwork
through the Scanner ! )