Anonymous ID: d7c635 Jan. 26, 2019, 4:01 p.m. No.4920888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4913840 pb


"This digg is like an octopus: keeps expanding in multiple directions"


Correct - I've been at it 3+ years and am shut down everywhere - including here - which makes me wonder.


"the MSM is trying to keep the story contained."


Yes - and moar - even the MSM is now willing to throw GS under the bus. Why?


"what is published is either incomplete or their filtered interpretation"


Yes, by now you've noticed the slight name changes that make things harder to search, the similar names to make things confusing, the "conservative" articles that on the face support Trump but skillfully twist the truth against him. (((They))) are playing both sides of the fence.


"Sputnik runs 2 stories: first one discusses how New Knowledge sometimes mistakes real people for trolls; second one reports on Buzzfeed's claim of having a New Knowledge report that proves election meddling"


Spin control


"12-page doc titled "Project Birmingham,"


Yes, but only 6 pages were published - why?