These people are stupid.
Think mirror.
Trust Wray
Think mirror
Trust the plan
Think mirror
These people are stupid.
Think mirror.
Trust Wray
Think mirror
Trust the plan
Think mirror
Slow bread
Your statement proves you are clueless.
Just look at your local shopping center,restaurants, online purchases and all of the real data that is pouring in,even if fudged by government. This economy is good. More circumstantial evidence is the fact the MSM doesn't want to talk about the economy.
There's your facts dumb fuck.
We have a lefty on the board anons. Check this socialist faggot out.
When you look at retail and restuarants,you see them full,dumb fuck. Even during the week. No one has seen that for over 10 years. Now look at all statistics and real dollars spent. The economy is good. You are dumb.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez? Is this you?