"mission: follow the money"
^^^^^from the bread^^^^^^
Here is the link to download the entire FEDERAL AUDIT CLEARINHOUSE database:
https:// harvester.census.gov/facdissem/Main.aspx
AUDITYEAR Year of the Fiscal Year End Date. Audit
Year and DBKEY combined make up the
primary key.
DBKEY Database Key; FAC internal identification
number. Audit Year and DB
EIN Primary Employer Identification Number of
DUNS Primary Data Universal Numbering System
Number (optional).
AUDITEENAME Name of the Auditee
STREET1 Auditee Street Address Line 1.
CITY Auditee City.
STATE Auditee State.
ZIPCODE Auditee ZIP Code
AUDITEENAMETITLE Combination of the Name and Title of
Auditee Certifying Official.
AUDITEECERTIFYNAME Name of Auditee Certifying Official.
AUDITEECERTIFYTITLE Title of Auditee Certifying Official.
CPAFIRMNAME Auditor Firm Name.
AUDITOR_EIN Auditor Firm EIN (only available for audit
years 2013 and beyond).
COGAGENCY Two-digit Federal agency prefix of the
cognizant agency.
OVERSIGHTAGENCY Two-digit Federal agency prefix of the
oversight agency.
QCOSTS Indicate whether or not the audit disclosed
any known questioned costs.
TOTFEDEXPEND Total Federal Expenditures.
FEDERALPROGRAMNAMEName of Federal Program.
AMOUNT Amount Expended for the Federal Program.
PASSTHROUGHAWARD Indicate whether or not funds were pass
through to any subrecipients for the Federal
program. This field was not populated for
A-133 submissions.
PASSTHROUGHAMOUNT Amount passed through to subrecipients for
awards indicated as passed through. This
field was not populated for A-133