>>4921315 (lb)
>The "4chan trolls" are FAKE. The exact same fake nazi AI that is pumped into this board, is pumped into 4chan, twitter, and wherever else it is needed.
>the fake nazi hatred gets pinned to POTUS
This got me thinking about something on the other end of the spectrum that has me vexed. So many anons (real and shill) are convinced and posting that POTUS is Q+, and an active posting member of the Q team on the chans. And many anons (including me) took Q's comment of "when we find out who has been posting to us here.." as a promise that we will indeed find this out, no ETA. (But I'm happy to wait a little longer… I hope we get to thank the whole team and that their names rightfully go down in history as patriot heroes. We may only get one though, maybe more, depends how many did post right?) Even if disinformation is necessary, Q is honorable and would keep a promise because promises made, promises kept. Not calling for doxxing or stupid worthless speculations, anons, just keep on with the dig, meme, pray. And keep the faith.
Just know our stable genius is far too smart to risk The Plan or give the baying fucktards literally wanting his head on the proverbial platter any means to destroy all he has done and will do. I am sure he is well aware of this band of anons who love and believe in him him here, because like them, I think he both reads and has spoken directly to this board via twat or MSM. I am just as sure that no way no how DJT allows himself to get pinned to this board IRL.
And I am beyond sure that the POS pretender Hussein (whose so-called legacy our president is dismantling) and the POS presidential wannabe (who is still scheming and dreaming of the 4 years she didn't manage to steal) let alone FuckyChucky, Madame Dentura, Schiff4Brains OccasionalCortex and the rest of the posers, traitors, haters and libtards would seize upon a whiff of any Trumpian connection to Q and us to impeach! impeach!
Think logically. The game is real folks. And our 4D chess master has thought it out. Every. Single. Move. His and [Their's]. So I humbly trust the plan POTUS and Q, whoever they may be. WWG1WGA