Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 26, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.4925158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5161 >>5223 >>5309 >>5435 >>5779 >>5865

Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1 27/01/19 part 1 of 3


Hello Anons I have finished mapping muh Russia/election meddling

please note sources sited are not necessarily the best (or only) sauce available and in this respect it should be considered a work in progress to begin with I tried

to site original sauce's rather than board posts but this became unfeasible A special thanks to all the diggers (you) know who you are

As complex as it is, it is also not complete more will come to light to fill in especially around SSCI and the tech's and DNC ect.

Almost all of the leads can be found here:

special loaf To consolidate Diggs on Jonathon Morgan et al version 1.0

>>4679112, >>4679116 consolidate Diggs on New Knowledge et al version 4.0 9/1/19

Special Loaf To Consolidate Diggs on Election Meddling version 5 24/1/19


with the remainder to be included in the next version (out soon)


1) 2) 3) 4) 24) 25) 27) 28) 26) 38)

>>4858211, >>4858215, >>4858216 High Level Connections Hussein, HRC, and Muh Russia/Alabama Election Meddling


6) 17) 4) 18) 32)

Evan Coren, who has worked for the National Archives unit since Obama’s first term, also targeted the Republican’s campaign.

Coren, for his part, is a progressive activist who handles classified documents for the Department of Energy.


Coren and other operatives created a “Dry Alabama” Facebook page with a blunt message attached

Former President Barack Obama campaign organizer, Mikey Dickerson, was instrumental in a disinformation campaign

targeting Moore, reports show. He was not alone.

Evan Coren, who has worked for the National Archives unit since Obama’s first term, also targeted the Republican’s campaign.


The Dry Alabama project was one of two $100,000 campaigns designed to help Moore’s Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, who barely won the 2017 special election.


31) 35)

Hoffman’s financial relationship with AET was brokered by his political adviser,

Dmitri Mehlhorn, who heads a group called Investing in US that helps direct Silicon Valley money into left-leaning political causes.


35) 31) 19) 16) 21) 10) 11)

Hoffman gave $750,000 to a progressive technology start-up called American Engagement Technologies

founded by Mikey Dickerson, a former Obama administration official — that aimed to help Democrats,

according to a person familiar with the finances who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

This person said Dickerson used $100,000 of that to hire New Knowledge, a Texas-based social media research firm,

to work in Alabama in support of Jones during the special election in December 2017.


DiResta briefly advised AET, offering technical guidance and helping them meet potential supporters in the months before

Hoffman agreed to fund the company.

DiResta, who also accepted a single share in AET and a seat on its board, said she became concerned with the opaqueness of the project,

and severed ties with the company a few months after joining. She became research director at New Knowledge in January 2018

Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 26, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.4925161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5165 >>5435 >>5779 >>5865


Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1 27/01/19 part 2 of 3


15) 22)

Jonathon Morgan is the founder and CEO of New Knowledge, a technology company that provides disinformation defense to brands

and national security customers. He is also the founder of Data for Democracy, a policy, research,

and volunteer collective with nearly 4,000 members that's bridging the gap between technology and society.

Prior to founding New Knowledge, Jonathon published research about extremist groups manipulating social media with the Brookings Institution,

The Atlantic, and the Washington Post, presented at NATO's Center of Excellence for Defense Against Terrorism,

the United States Institute for Peace, and the African Union. He also served as an adviser to the US State Department,

developing strategies for digital counter-terrorism. Jonathon regularly provides expert commentary about online disinformation

for publications such as NYT, NBC, NPR, and Wired, and has published op-eds about information warfare and computational propaganda

for CNN, The Guardian, and VICE.


36) 14) (original sauce 404)

In March 2018 They closed another round of investment This time much lager with the lead investor

Being the Chinese backed GGV also Moonshot again and Lux Capital totaling $11M


The now four-year-old, 40-person outfit, New Knowledge, just sealed up $11 million in new funding led by the cross-border venture firm GGV Capital,

with participation from Lux Capital. GGV had also participated in the company’s $1.9 million seed round.

We talked yesterday with co-founder and CEO Jonathon Morgan and the company’s director of research, Renee DiResta,

to learn more about its work, which appears to be going well. (They say revenue has grown 1,000 percent over last year.)


23) 37) 40) 24) 29) 39) 41) 30)

For the past six months @NewKnowledgeAI led an investigation into Russian interference on behalf of the Senate Intelligence Committee (SSCI).

This was the first comprehensive look into data provided to the Senate by Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Here are the highlights:


The interactions between Warner, Waldman, Steele and Jones remain one of the enduring puzzles of SSCI’s Russia probe. The committee has refused to discuss the matter.

But Warner was not Jones’s only Democratic contact on SSCI.


New Knowledge’s Senate report on Russian disinformation networks makes clear its investigation was undertaken at the request of SSCI.

But an SSCI official told TheDCNF the committee did not pay New Knowledge and TDIP has never been hired for any work.

The official also noted SSCI does not necessarily endorse New Knowledge’s findings.


Jones, who registered TDIP on Jan. 31, 2017, told the FBI in late March 2017 his organization had hired Fusion GPS and Steele, a former MI6 officer,

to continue investigations into Russian meddling in the U.S. elections that began with funding from the DNC and Clinton campaign.

Jones also told the FBI the project had received $50 million in funding from between seven and 10 wealthy liberal donors.


TDIP is also linked to the Senate Intelligence panel. Its founder, Daniel J. Jones, was previously a staffer for Democrats on SSCI.

He was also in contact in early 2017 with Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the Democratic vice chairman of SSCI. As part of TDIP’s own Trump-Russia investigation,

the group hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier.

The extent of Warner’s contacts with Jones remain unclear.


The collaboration between TDIP and New Knowledge, which has not been previously reported, involved a dashboard set up at the site,, which tracked “social media disinformation networks — to include suspected foreign state-actors

conducting information warfare against the American public prior to the 2018 U.S. midterm elections.”


Waldman told TheDCNF Jones told him that Fusion GPS was involved with TDIP. He also said Jones claimed Soros had provided funding for TDIP’s anti-Trump operation.

(RELATED: Soros Has Given $1 Million To Group Linked To Fusion GPS For Trump-Russia Investigation)

Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 26, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.4925165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5325 >>5435 >>5779 >>5865


Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1 27/01/19 part 3 of 3


5) 7) 8) 9)

“The whole purpose of the app is really to get your friends out to vote,” says Sarah Sullivan, a former senior writer for President Obama

who is now deputy executive director of The New Data Project, a nonprofit founded last year that developed the app.

“It’s about making sure that you’re prepared, and it’s about building trust.”

The nonprofit’s executive director is Mikey Dickerson, the former Google engineer who was the first head of the US Digital Service,

or Obama’s “trauma team” that saved after Obamacare launched in 2013. When their terms as White House staffers ended on Inauguration Day in 2017,

Dickerson, along with Sullivan and other members of the trauma team, decided to create the nonprofit.


12) 13) 14)

Description of Hamilton 68

Developed mainly by J.M. Berger & Jonathon Morgan, although Berger adds a couple more sources to the list: Clint Watts,

Aaron Weisburd, and the German Marshall Fund.

ASD Parent Organization

German Marshal Fund (a group pushing for NATO expansion in Europe)

(ASD is a "project" of GMF launched in Jul 2017)


4) 9) 20)

American Engagement Technologies (AET), which was founded by former Obama administration official Mikey Dickerson,

bought ads for two Facebook pages, “The Daily Real” and “Today’s Nation,” encouraging Republican voters to stay home in the midterm elections,

Facebook’s ad archives show.


33) 34)

Matt Osborne is the guy who ran this operation, instrumental in it, as well as the Stop Rush movement.



P.S Notes

Looking at this it is clear why we are so confused these kind of complex (by design) relationships need to be presented in a visual form to get any realistic perspective

It reminds me of detective shows were they have a pin board and string (old school). As has been suggested by other anons I too wounder if this is (at least in part)

what Q meant by "Map" it is certainly true that such a "mapping" would be part of any conspiracy investigation.


Future improvements

Although the application I am using does not allow for it I feel that different kinds of connections could be expressed in the map with different colored or style of lines

also symbols could be used next to number (I decided against for first version).

I think a way forward could be to make it a collaborative effort with new content to be vetted in the style of wiki (just a thought)

Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 26, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.4925420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5476 >>5595 >>5678 >>5806 >>5865 >>5874


Thank you friend good to see you clock the outstanding questions

thought about including but it was already a bit much


  1. ryan fox is flying under the radar why?

I think we will find out more about him!!!


  1. this could be a big deal!!!

there is a resion the SSCI denied funding NK and they did that so quickly too this is important!!!


  1. why Virginia?


  1. I suspect links to the techs considering there manipulation world wide this would make sense and yes 50 mil is a lot that struck me too


>you may find it quite interesting that the Alabama scandal "dropped" right on the heels of WaPo and NYT Dec 17 articles

It is very interesting someone has played a strategic hand


You have outlined the big questions very well thank you friend


two points


  1. Evan Coren has a security clearance at dept. of energy (Q clearance unlikely but is there a connection? not that we know Q is linked there but a interesting little crumb)


  1. And this one is important the chart demonstrates what I have been suspecting if you look at it I have layed out the Muh Russia on the left and meddling on the right (prob. should have labeled it so)

notice how there are almost no connections between the sides with only NK joining them, clearly structured for plausible deniability I still think it is very telling that they involved NK in the Birmingham proj. and I am convinced this is a mistake as it will expose those on the left (chart) to the liabilities on the right


again your comments are very on target

Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 27, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.4925476   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dmitri Mehlhorn, yes?


correct did I misspell it kek


according to Rush Lim. dry Alabama was run by (mostly?) Mat osbourn looking for links between him and melhorn could be fruitful also the other players in the stop Rush campaign could be worth a fishing trip

Anonymous ID: 38a527 Jan. 27, 2019, 12:44 a.m. No.4925704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NK is getting thrown under the bus because they are in the MIDDLE !!!


It is good that we have not fallen for it


I thought about including Fox but have not found more than his (very interesting ) background

the spook lurking in the shadows very appt


Assange timeline very interesting well worth reading if you havn't already


Here is an excerpt of a book by Julian Asange were Julian demonstrates how Eric Schmidt and Cohen act as democrat operatives very interesting


thank you friend