Literally all moving from democrat controlled states to Republican states.
Agreed. It's actually a very cheap way to "legally" change the balance of a state considering the wealth of these controlling parties and considering they pretty much own the real estate market. They could very easily convince tons of people to move to areas and just pay for the housing themselves.
"The Root"โฆ really?
The CA GOP is about to get a serious contender to their pathetic role. One that follow Trumpian GOP standards.
Me. Of course SoCal is not on the radar at this moment given that everything is being started and handled elsewhere at moment but Travis Allen is coming to the area very soon but we shall hear him out as I am suspicious of all of them and they follow the failed GOP standards and not the Trumpian standard.
Just pay attention to Napa around 2019/2020 and more information on the GOP competitor will emerge. At this point it's pretty much the entire northern portion of the state and nearly all the districts in the Bay Area down to the Lodi area but SoCal was initially deemed a lost cause for the time being so everything is being focused on this half of the state.
Come to think of it Alyssa Milano has a home in Napa as well I believe.
Indeed, it is why certain area still maintain an odd magnetic force as well such as the triangle. It takes a long time for it to fade and the world has shifted its positions many times over.
What is with the butterflies. That is a huge mural in Napa. Tons of those butterflies that look exactly like that surrounding a young girl. Is there some meaning to them?
Some theories claim mankind actually originated from Titan. No legitimate evidence but fun to read.
FBIAnon wouldn't be back. Everything they said ties in with what Q states now so they would have no reason to come back. This is especially suspicious given that the clowns tried to recently addon to initial FBIAnon posts to make it sound like they said things they didn't and they were caught trying to manipulate the archived posts.
No, I'll tell you what is happening. They can't get to Q since the DOD controls 8chan so they are trying to cause confusion by going through 4chan, which they control, and using the name of long proven asset poster.
He never tried to push people toward Corsi but said Corsi came close to understanding a "few things". Big difference.
Did you know: The Vatican is in the observatory business? Yes indeed, they own one of the most powerful scopes on the planet called "Lucifer 1" which is based in Arizona. Something recently happened at Observatories I think, yes indeedโฆ and something recently was exposed about the Vatican and China I think, yes indeed.
Kind of a grey area, he brought it up once and it was in answering a question which directly asked where people could find literature about Clinton crimes. He answered that Corsi got a few things right which he actually did so it doesn't feel like a grey area but more of a nod since he never brought him up again. If he brought it up other than merely answering a question on the Clinton machine I would agree but given how limited the literature was out there about them back in 2015 I can't see it as pushing.
>remember when they closed down a bunch of observatories for awhile a few months ago
Yes this is exactly what I am thinking about. It went well beyond observatories as well. University of Michigan, for example, shut down the Chinese student "data center" as well as Stanford and several others. I wrote a long post about it months back but there was little interest so I didn't force it but it definitely felt like the FBI was closing down known spying rings.
There is no doubt in my mind that all the InfoWars connected asshats are controlled oppo but to BE controlled oppo one must get a few things right to convince people they know things. So I could definitely see them throwing a few correct crumbs out now and then to convince their viewers they have super secret info.
Interestingly all of Mueller's suspects thus far seem to be connected to that very group which plays right into my personal theory about Mueller being w/POTUS and has been all along and this is merely prep work for the final phase of what Q laid out of "Israel last".
I will say one more thing on this. They made a very big error with their vote harvesting allowances and they are going to lose CA by 2024 due to their stupidity of pushing for that. That was by far the worst mistake they ever made and it is going to cost them monumentally.