Yes, I understand the part of it being "a bit too much." New info comes to light and needs to be included but it becomes almost impossible either to generate or to understand once it exists. (well, maybe ok for people who've been digging).
Re Ryan Fox: Yes, he's sort of there but not there. Isn't he the spook with lots of intel background. no wonder he's in the shadows.
SSCI supposedly didn't fund either NI or TDIP, disavowed it in fact. Gee, nice of NK to write a report for SSCI for free…..Private money used for a report to a govt agy? Right. The SSCI connection is….how can I put it? Probably leads right to the top.
I have a nice little Assange timeline that might be helpful:
6-27-18: 10 Democrats send letter to Pence demanding he press for the extradition of Julian Assange:
8-1-18: “Corrupt” SSCI wants Assange to testify before Congress: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/08/08/highly-suspect-corrupt-senate-intelligence-committee-wants-to-interview-julian-assange-behind-closed-doors/
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.139 Q Post 1842: Q’s Reference to the Aug. 1st request to Assange for testimony
Aug 11 2018 12:12:31 (EST)
These people are stupid!
"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."
Do you believe in coincidences?
We have the source.
Assange knows everything.
& 4. Re "Virginia" donors. You're not asking ME why, right? ;-]
Why indeed? Names need to be discovered. (along with the names of all the TDIP donors).
On your questions:
Re Evan Cohen: interesting tidbit
re layout (Muh Russia left, meddling right). My original chart was set up like that (Alabama stuff on right, ASD/Marshall on right). But in the end, there are going to be too many connections for denial. Seems like NK is getting thrown under the bus at the moment–in an effort at damage control. Wont' work too many loose ends, too many connections. Look at all those advisory people at ASD–high level fucks, really bad actors, most or all with both ties to US govt and foreign stuff like Marshall and beyond.
Your remark about the mess on the right exposing the lurking menace of the left is spot on. That little Alabama project is going to expose the whole lot, taking it right up the tree. If we have this info, so do lots of others. But MSM with info is trying to cover as much as possible. For now. Fortunately, there is the Daily Caller, Sputnik and the World Socialists who seems very interested in digging. KEK!