And more illegals come in, thus giving demoncrats even more electoral power. Witness the "safe" midterm in Cal, when the state was totally lost to demoncrats, who set it on fire. Real fucking glorious. Complete control.
I blame muh tv.
Trust muh Bush Attorney General.
The Kav false accusers MUST be prosecuted. That was a direct crime against all 3 branches of govt and sedition at minimum.
aka Smokes With Glass
Well, this "Acting" certainly hasnt been a Mooch. No axeing done at all. What happened to that idea?
POTUS can eliminate executive agencies, it's quite common. Many Presidents have done it.
Takes me back…
Seems she ate them all.
The average liberal believes tv news. Seriously.
She's guilty of Aggravated Dress Abuse, with a multiplier for extra pounds.
Youre not getting any more checks. It's over.
In the hip-hop community, we call her R-Bag.
Could be a capital case.
He would be a deserving and satisfying arrest or worse.
Trump needs to build the wall, lock /them/ up, and purge the voting rolls, or he cant run again.
POTUS can request no budget. CFPB may be eliminated that way.
The next session of SCOTUS is 2/19, but you'd think the other Justices would be hearing from her before that re workload assignments etc. She has the option of taking little to no work if she cant handle it also. She may lurch around for awhile longer, we'll see.
Q has many excuses, not many actual habbenings.
Government employees tend to be dull and slow-witted types who would quickly get eaten in the highly competitive worlds of law, medicine or business.