You really think this same press that hates Trump isn't going to call Kelley Ann out for the false info after she bashes them for Fake News?
You need some swamp land cheap?
You really think this same press that hates Trump isn't going to call Kelley Ann out for the false info after she bashes them for Fake News?
You need some swamp land cheap?
Yeah i heard that he was trying to get that U1 back that Hillary sold them
I have a few saved
She really likes tomatoes huh
Everything i have heard when someone talks about the F35 is always bad
A billion $ mistake is what i hear
You are probably right
I should have starred in Men to talk to Goats
oops who
So far mostly just no proof of the UFO's yet that Cooper talked about
Yep Power Hour red pilled me after the OKC bomb
wow we need pics
Yeah Duterte isn't to fond of Catholic priest since he was molested by one.
Kamusta Ka