opinion check… anyone else think Q crumb recently about mind controlled vets related to hit job attempts on WH and that's why it was mentioned?
oh dear God here we go so much patriarchy leading women to condition boys to be weak and soft. overduing both and having intersectionality of penis and patriarchical embededness those same women don't want to fuck them after fucking their heads and now they are saying the threat from the people they have conditioned to be this way is serious. wtf? how can one tell a cell (voluntary) from an incel? priestly collar is no good for that signalling kek. what if gender fluidity and sex combine to make a penis pusher land on penis + puss ain't worth the trouble so I choose cel? How would that person not be mistaking from an incel? these fuckerz need to go on and lurk on wizard chan a bit
lurk more your glow is showing. one of the most recent q crumbs. explains death of Dimebag from pantera rip
maybe… if clones are habbenin and dws was cloned from a snail trail payseur left on couch after double clicking mouse
thanks 4 reminder fren. link related to return favor. hopefully embeds tho
quit pussyfootin around and you won't have ave that problem.