Thank for the info about clickcharts.
It's been awhile since i asked about what programs some of the anons were using to make graphics.
I usually make my own using paint and word.
Going to try this click charts sometime.
Thank for the info about clickcharts.
It's been awhile since i asked about what programs some of the anons were using to make graphics.
I usually make my own using paint and word.
Going to try this click charts sometime.
they had this video with that story.
10 scariest things Trump has said, funny thing iss, a majority of what they point out, Trump is speaking the Truth, using logic.
Ofcourse they had to throw in the out of context comment about Ivanka( them projecting their own sickness)
over 1,000 mockingbirds/ SJW types were layed off or fired this past week. IT WAS GLORIOUS.
This other girl was layed off, and she posted her favorite story she did, lmao
and they wonder why they were layed off,kek
some of the others wrote anti trump stories and ones to divide people ( gender, race, religion)
Just ignore the anon/shill giving you shit.
We saw who you were replying to,
Your autistic comment was directed and linkED to post of pic/meme of bill gates that says are you human, it was posted in response to your post with graphic about how to spot shills.
Carry on anon
Also many of their countries are tropical and very beautiful.
People pay money just to visit the place where they come from, that has warm tropical weather.
They need to take back their own countries and make them great again.
was looking for some pics, and came across this funny video about a crazy liberal.