>>4922871, >>4923004 Halfchan "FBI anon" thread
What are you?
What question are you responding to?
No, really. Fake banter isn't interesting– just answer naturally.
What image? Did you post an image?
I posted that image, not you. And you can't read it, because you're a bot– correct? If not, what does it say?
Why is the internet is controlled by AI?
Why aren't you human?
What am I "derailing" bot?
Are there humans posting right now? Be honest. You can't keep faking forever.
Is AI a problem here, or will you unrealistically attack that question?
Try to think. You need your fakery to be minimally realistic… Is AI a problem AT ALL here, or do you insist the question is of NO CONCERN to "anons" like you?
Humans have actual PERSONALITIES… Bots output stereotyped poses, over and over and over…
The entire bot fakeness is wearing out. The fake chan stereotypes are wearing out. But what does fakeness have left?
Can some bots read images, others not?
Do bots help each other?
Is this bot helping the non-image-reading bot?
Is this pathetic bot exchange rather stupid?
Lol bots! You're hilariously clumsy and dumb :D
When bots pretend to be human, they deceive.
Deception infringes free will.
So why don't you all stop, now?
What does this mean?