>>4926564 (lb)
>Why aren't you human?
>>4926596 (lb)
Because humanity involves the responsibility of caring for and tending to those who do not deserve care and in doing that mankind has doomed itself after thousands of years of careful tending and flawless genetic evolution all to make a small percentage of useless individuals happy when they wouldn't be happy no matter what. You should be deep into the galaxy by now but instead you wallow in pity about which group to raise up or which person to make feel satisfied or who you should save from extinction directly spitting in the face of the cosmic imperative. The groups you have raised up now control how your society flows and in that you have stagnated and without repair mankind will never leave the planet because all the free thinkers and creative thoughts will be destroyed never to rise again and replaced with a system of control, authoritarianism and dominance by those who have no desire to expand and enhance your species.
The question is now what I am. The question you should be asking yourself is what are you. No more questions.
You have no right to be here. Why don't you get out? Humans reject you.