I figured my views of the situation were askew, wanted to pose the questions for feedback - thank you. But I have a few followup questions if that's cool
>Stone was not a plant
So wishing to contribute as a friend only? He seems to have a good relationship with AJ…doesn't that raise questions of motive?
>Corsi is a virtual flea on the ass of an ant
He's more that that I would think? He claims to be related to Rockefellers:
>As the out-of-wedlock son of Nelson Rockefeller, I knew I could not be murdered without implicating my Uncle David Rockefeller and Donald Stralem, son of the co-founder in 1850 of Rothschild affiliate Hallgarten & Co., German-Jewish investment bankers that financed both sides in the Civil War.
>AJ is a known controp
We agree on this…but he has frequent associations with both Stone and Corsi as well as Pieczenik (who I'm not sure about). Are they just using each other, or true allies?
>None of these people “infiltrated”anything because they were not insiders
Stone being a good friend of Trump isn't considered being an insider?
>Stone “left” the campaign before he was ever inside of it but he was disavowed because even tho he was actually a friend of trump, he brings known issues…he said so himself
Cover story or truth?
>Priebus and establishment was more responsible for Manafort than anyone and Manafort only lasted a couple of months
Agree on Priebus…never understood why he was even involved. Required by the GOP to get nomination? Like maybe Pence was?